Hey all, I've been buying up a whole bunch of books recently that I've been meaning to read, and I was wondering if there are any solid Game Industry focused books that I should check out.
I don't mean tutorial books though, but legit books on maybe where the industry is going, how do we get there, what can we learn from the past etc. etc. anything like that would be awesome.
I figured since I plan on staying and being apart of the industry for (hopefully) a long time, I'd love to really start building my knowledge of the industry as a whole, and not just the art side.
Any and all suggestions would be very appreciated

Edit: Doing some quick research, I found a list of top 50 books to check out -
Much more interested in hearing in your guys suggestions though. But this is a start

I own this book and really enjoyed reading it, helped me understand the pseudo-art-science behind making good games a lot more. He really goes into depth of why we enjoy games, even out of the video-game context and deeper into the human psychological context.
That video is very scary, I hope that never happens. Thanks for that book though, it fun to read.
I like the idea of collecting information, but the people who collect it is what bothers me.
it's a great book, but more on how to break into the industry rather than where it is going.
And I do have Hourences book, definatly good to check out.