Hey there guys. Ironpyrite Here. Sorry this is my first post. I didn't come across polycount until just today! I'm a regular on some other dev forums.
I am currently working on a demo game project in the unreal 3 engine and am in need of a fairly skilled modeller/texture artist.
Ideally I'd like to get someone who I can work with over a period of time and can work towards developing a portfolio piece while getting paid. Ideally a student or artists who designs with passion as a secondary job or in addition to school.
I'm a very easy to get along with project manager and have won numerous leadership and performance awards in my real life business.
The project details are as follows
Specs and direction:
Time frame: 3months (would like to finalize end of March all aspects)
Med/High res terrestrial ship/ hover craft based on an inspired combination of the following refs. (Poly count can vary based on design)
Take this desgin as a base; remove the prop and recreate as a single person hover type vehicle. The vehicle will be used in a large martian terrain with both high speed and hover type flight attidtude

A mark up I did as a concept and temp model last month. This concept functionally combined with your ideas artistically. As you can see there are several hard points on the vehicle which will be used for a series of generic weapons for players ot customize. (ideally they will be able to trade, salvage, import and create weapon systems as well)

Texture style I am looking for sandy, dirty gritty metal that has been worn down by the martian environment. worn paint, dents, scratches. oil marks from weapons etc. very grunge brush. fallout. unreal tournament style damage.
some ideas of what I picture in my head texture wise.

Some general info on project.
Game Background:
Offworld: Fall of Mars
Genre: Mars based Vehicle/turret shooter.
Platform: PC/TBD Multiplayer target 24-32players
An follow up and expansion project to the mod Offworld:fall of Mars for the Battlefield 2 engine produced in 2009.
Vehicle concepts are loosely based on the works of L.E. Modesitt junior and his forever hero book trilogy. Ie: flitter technology
You find yourself engulfed in the slow collapse of the Martian terra forming efforts. As a mid level member of one of three major powers you will have to help influence the outcome of the civil war that is building between the Earth based corporate mining security forces, the remnant colonial marines and the rebellious colonial engineer faction who has split off into their own hidden colonies. Choose your squad mates and utilize open world squad based combat tactics to win a name for yourself and help you faction dominate the landscape of mars.
Utilize customizable Martian flitter vehicle technology to command vehicles from high speed single pilot light combat flitters to powerful multi player controlled weapons flitters. All with customizeable weapons systems and combat accessories. **
Explore the vast geology of expansive Martian terrains and use it to outwit and defeat the opposition. Vast cavernous valleys, meteor pocked shattered plains and colonial settlements set within them become the battlegrounds. Control territory and harvest the resources they provide to further extend your control.
Preliminary terrain imagery in UDK. I am primarily an environment artist and level designer and the project will be heavily base on terrain interaction and large scale monolithic martian colonies and structures.

Our bf2 based project from about 1.5 years ago.
SOme quick screens for atmosphere and inspiration

Thanks for your time guys!! Anyone who is interested please link me to some work you have done in these forums or a portfolio of work.
I can be reached at xfire: Irontaxi Email/msn: