I've been seriously considering picking up an HD camcorder. I used to make short films in high school a few years ago and if I weren't in the game industry I'd definitely be making movies. The problem is I don't know what's hot right now as far as camcorders go.
Does anyone have any experience with current HD camcorders?
To throw budget numbers out there I'd say around $2500 would be my max. I'm not opposed to used equipment either.
Alternatively I could just upgrade to a Canon 5D Mk II as that shoots HD video and I can get some nice lenses, but it doesn't seem very conducive to action and movement.
They should range between 2 an 5k, but are the better class when it comes to video.
Way more options and you are able to buy seperate parts for it.
Any canon camcorders compatible with EF lenses? I know a few have been at some point, dunno if that has carried over recently.
Rens: It would be cool to see a breakdown of dSLR vs Camcorder, as i'm not too familair with them. From what I understand, because of the larger sensor on a dSLR you can get narrower depth of field effects with a dSLR than a video cam, which is a good thing, however loud/not silent lenses, and poor audio capture are a big negative with dSLRs, along with distortion from fast panning.
My next purchase will be either a T1i or T2i, depending on what they cost in about a year, upgrading from a 350D, for A. Live view and B. Video mostly. I'm super excited to use my sigma 30mm 1.4 as a video lens, have seen some really cool video tests with that lens.
Bit more, as expected, the Lumix GH1/2(and probably other bodies) are designed to work mirroless, and have better AF performance in video mode, so they would seem to be pretty attractive here. I keep considering going over to a Lumix body, because the flange distance means you can use virtually *any* lens ever made with it, however I love me some Canon EF lenses, and the Lumix lens selection is limited and expensive... as are the bodies.
DPReview, video on GH1(the review for the GH2 isnt as indepth): http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/panasonicdmcgh1/page19.asp
One of the main reasons I want to shoot video is to do action and VFX. According to FreddieW and some others, DSLRs aren't the best for lots of movement.
Also I think last time I checked you can only record 28mins?
Those costly cons out the way. The pros are, insanely awesome camera, if you're Games or VFX person, this camera is so useful, you can take huge ref pics, HD and all in pro quality. Plus full frame! woo
Lastly, you might want to hold out till sept 2011 if you can, when the scheduled mr3 should arrive. Check out CanonRumors.com for updates
As far as recording times go, I don't think 28 mins will bother me (right now). I've been eyeballing the Mark II for a while now as my go-to DSLR, something that I'll keep for a very long time. The video capability is a bonus.
Also, Sept 2011?! Don't want to wait that long.
However, you need to purchase based on your needs. The rolling shutter of the 5D is what causes the skewing when doing fast movements. Some comparison between the 5d and 7d:
I don't mind the lack of AF in shooting video, as a photographer focus is something I'd want complete control over anyway. What I would love though is 60fps shooting in the 5D; it's an advantage the 7D has over the 5D.
Also, If you want to shoot at f/5.6 or f/8 to get a larger DOF than light the scene accordingly; there are tricks you can do in post to darken a shot if you want a dark scene with a large DOF.
If you decide on an HDSLR, be sure to check out the custom picture styles avaliable. There is a good thread on Cinema5D about them:http://www.cinema5d.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3401 . The superflat picture style for example can help increase the dynamic range of a shot, allowing for greater flexibility in post and achieving truly cinematic quality footage out of a DSLR
That skewing bugs the hell out of me honestly and as I've heard it can make tracking for VFX a pain. Not the mention to choppiness of the video. I assume shooting at higher frame rates will help if not alleviate that problem?