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Is a 3 Cell animation on a 512x256 ok?

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RezNik triangle
The studio is making an isometric/dimertic game (my first iso) and was wondering if anybody has some experience with this. The image is actually 3 different states of an object.
So, 512/3 = 170.666666666.
Is it ok to make the cells 170?

Oh, the engine were using is Torque2D in case it matters.


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    you mean rounding off? sure - usually with any game engines sprites / textures / ui,... things are often devided by the rule of 2 or root of 2. So if you have 512^2 map its nice to devide it by 2,4,8,16,32,64,... times. 3x of course is a odd thing and because of that you will have to round the size off.
    Just talk with the coders or engineers what they think, like what about the texel size (pixel fill ratio on the screen), maybe you don't need it that big, or it needs bigger to look ok.
  • hyrumark
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    hyrumark polycounter lvl 12
    I've done 3 frames before in a looping sprite shader with a 1024x512 texture, works fine. But check with the game engine programmer just to make sure there aren't any restrictions.
  • RezNik
    Offline / Send Message
    RezNik triangle
    Yes, I am rounding to 170px. Everything seems to work fine. Spoke to the programmers and they seem to think it wont hurt. A little too early in the game to tell. If problems should arise I'll just throw these on a 512x512.
    Thanks for the reply guys,
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