Decided to take a bit of a break and push forward on something personal for me to work on in spare time, Its been a while since i've done an environment all on my own so I really want you guys to pull apart my work - I need to
I'm happy to just keep working on this scene to the best of my ability, so I hope to take time to try out plenty of highpolys and clean lowpolys.
So this is my idea - A (indian themed) outpost high in the himalayas looking up to the peak under a light blizzard, I really want to push the textures and lighting on this, usually I manage to sort out my composition early on, but otherwise im trying to go for a couple of beauty shots along with each asset.
I've started an early blockout and thrown it in udk to play with lighting and composition,
I know its very early in development, but I sort of want to keep this as a diary to keep me motivated,
My suggestion is to change the fog colour to more cool colours. If you're using UDK then the snow texture vertex blending tut will suit you perfectly. Anyway keep it up and Merry Christmas for a cold themed level
I look forward to this one
There's also some very good stuff in Super Street Fighter IV - a few market scenes looking very nice and brightly lit. It's a much more of a low tech approach that Uncharted but still a very good piece of reference.
Good luck with this, I'll be watching your progress.
Julmust I've not played UnCharted 2 but I'll be sure to grab some refrences online from it, wish I had taken a look before starting this piece
Zelenkov thanks man, and yeah I really want to push all those colours to nicely contrast with the bleak environment. Macattackk haha I'm not so sure, hey If I enjoy making it maybe I'd move on further with it, who knows.
Habboi, thanks for the suggestions man. Could you link me to that snow vertex tutorials, I saw it knocking about a while ago.
Good call Pior. I absolutely love most of the SF4 stages.
I lived up north in India cause thats where my dad's side of the family is and you could see the mountains from the street. I still remember it well and I think you're really recreating it!