Max be buggin' on me ass =(¨
For some reason whenever I have more then two textures activated in my material, max kills my normal map... more or less. Its still there, its just very very weak. Scanline renders it correct tho.
Now everythings fine and dandy with two textures, be it normal/spec or say normal/dif no matter, its the third that brings the walls crashing.
The normal map is at 100% (im not THAT dumb xD), updating drivers been tried and failed.
Anyone had this problem aswell? Maby even found a solution? =D
Edit - btw this is 3dsmax2011 /w hotfix4
If you want a viewport display, you should use the 3point shader. If you want something that renders with the scanline, then use a Standard material.
But you won't get a single material that works for both, it doesn't work that way, at least not well.
Yes, im just using the standard mat. with hardware shading turned on. Recall doing it in the past w/o problems (afaik), so I was a tad puzzled when it desided to freak on me.
Downloaded the 3pshader, and its working fine =D
Thanks for the help m8
I recall the hardware shader only supported a limited subset of the features in a Standard material, and I couldn't find docs on exactly what.
Its hard to see, but the normal map still adds a lil shade after max deside to trash it. Tried resizing the images to 512, to no effect. Must be a limitation as you said.
None the less, I'll have a look at xoliul's shader. Looks real nice.
merry X
Any shader can be made to work with 2011's fixed viewport basis, so if anyone needs help, they can ask on these boards or email me or xoliul or someone else who has the power of ctrl+c ctrl+v at their fingertips!
Have fun!