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best art book bang for $100?

polycounter lvl 19
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Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
I've got a $100 Barnes & Noble gift card and not much of an art book library, what do you guys recommend? I'd rather get a bunch of less expensive books than one $100 book and since it's a B&E gift card I'd have to be able to order it from them.


  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    I absolutely love the art of Darksiders. I've never seen an art book so full of content.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    The Art of Darksiders is great.
    If "Cinematic Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King" ever goes back to print, I highly reccomend it. Beautiful artwork and additional high-gloss prints in vellum sleeves.

    Ashley Wood's "Art of Metal Gear Solid" is really great if you're a fan of the series or of Wood, really beautiful style. Any of Wood's books are a great addition to a library.

    WETA workshop has a brand new book that is either almost published or just recently published "Art of District 9" which is sure to be a beautiful collection. I have it on preorder at Amazon, be happy to let you know how it is once it arrives (sometime early january)

    Art of Uncharted 2 is really great, being from ballistic it's a bit on the pricey side though.

    The Skillfull Huntsman: Visual Development of a Grimm Tale - I've heard great things about this book and how it walks through the artistic process. Haven't gotten my hands on it personally, so I can't speak first hand, but it's on my list.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Cinematic Art of World of Warcraft: Warth of the Lich King and Darksiders are my 2 fav art books.

    Uncharted 2 and God of War are also amazing.

    For books from B&N I love the Star Wars books. Books are PACKED! with content and only like 20/30 bucks. If your not looking for Sci Fi stuff movie books likes Avatar and such are great and can be found at B&N for cheap occasionally.
  • dregoloth
    The art of guild wars 2 if they have it
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Check out http://parkablogs.com/content/list-of-art-books-reviewed

    They usually have vids of someone flipping through each book, pretty useful :)
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    whoa! sweet link! ...guess I have to save up some money for some of these artbooks now
  • murph
    are you looking for "art of" books? or more... educational.... books?

    as far as educationalish books---- How to draw comics the Marvel way, Drawn to Life by Walt Stanchfield, Dynamic anatomy by Hogarth, uhmmm i asked for this one for christmas: [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Color-Light-Guide-Realist-Painter/dp/0740797719[/ame] :D I hear great things about it. The Illusion of Life is another staple in my library.

    when it comes to showcase art books, just looking over at my shelf, the skillful huntsman, cinematic art of WoW: WOTLK, all the art of pixar film books are REALLY great. Art of WoW trading card game, and a few copies of ImagineFX and 3d World are all really great :)

    I also tend to grab artist's sketchbooks when they go on sale (usually around comicon time) Nico marlet and Creaturebox are a couple of my faves.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Hahaha, the moment I stumbled on that site I was already thinking about picking up new book racks XD

    Too bad I can only pick up two for this christmas. My gf would probably kick my ass if I bought all of them :P
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    The Art of District 9 is by far one of the best art books I have purchased.

  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Entity wrote: »
    Check out http://parkablogs.com/content/list-of-art-books-reviewed

    They usually have vids of someone flipping through each book, pretty useful :)

    ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I love parka :) hes the first place I go to have a looksies before I buysies :D
    What sort of books are you after, video game, film related, comic art or just art in general?

    I love my artbooks, heres some of my favourites :) if it helps

    Artey fartey and film;

    Adam Hughes Cover Run
    Rough Justice, The rough sketches of Alex Ross
    Mythology- alex ross
    The marvel art of marko djurdjevic
    The Art of Drew Struzan (amazing, best book he has done)
    The Stan Winston Effect (Probably My favourite book ever)
    The art of Hellboy - Mike Mignola
    Watchmen portraits (awesome ref book for faces and skin, Massive B&W prints)
    Any art of star wars (if you can find them)
    Gil Elvgren
    Wizard - How to draw comics series
    Giovanni Civardi (Amazing anatomy books)
    Any studio Ghibli art book (Princess Mononoke and Spirited away were my favourites, oh porco rosso and my neighbour tortorro, arggh too many)
    Making of avatar (not art of, waste of money that one)
    Brian Froud the world of the dark crystal
    The Skillful Huntsman
    Digital Paint Masters
    Iain Mccaig Shadowlines (absolutely beautiful)

    Video Game Related

    Darksiders (definetly the best one out imo)
    Star Wars Force Unleashed art of
    Uncharted 2 art of
    God of war 3 art of
    Digital art masters 1, 2, 3, 4,
    Art of Metal Gear series (yoji shinkawa)
    Assassins creed art book
    Mass Effect Artbook
    Exodyssey the art of steambot studios
    Bioshock 2 (must buy special edition of the game but artbook is worth it alone)
    Gears of war special edition strategy guide with art book combi.
    The cinematic art of wow wrath of the lich king
    The art of Darkwatch (still love this one)
    art of halo 3 (if you like halo 3 its good, which I really dont so meh)

    gotta get that district 9 one now :D Ive always wanted a creaturebox artbook but they always go out of print before I can get a hold of one :(
  • Tom Ellis
    +1 for the Art of Darksiders. Absolutely packed to the brim with awesomeness and it shows every level of production from very early sketches to in game shots.

    Art of Uncharted 2, equally incredible.

    Art of God of War 3, quality of work isn't as good as in UC2 but the book is equally nice in content.
  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    Books that I think are worth their money

    -Frank Frazetta: Icon
    -Anything by/with Syd Mead
    -Start your engines / Lift Off - Scott Robertson (these are must haves)
    -Structura (The Art of Sparth)
    -Hans Bacher, Dream Worlds
    -The Art of How to train your dragon
    -Daniel Simon, Cosmic Motors
    -The Art of Drew Struzan
    -Mignola, The Art of Hellboy
    -All Star Wars art books
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Udon's Capcom art books are fantastic for simple, strong character designs. Even if you're not into Street Fighter or the other titles that appear in them, theres a lot that can be learned from them in terms of silhouette, design and colour scheme.

    Alternatively, grab a copy of the Oddworld Inhabitants art book. You probably won't be able to draw as much directly from it unless you're making froggy people, but it's a beautiful and inspiring book to own nonetheless.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Udons books are awesome, missed them out haha.

    I really wish they would do an art book to Donkey Kong Returns, some really refreshing character art throughout and just nice artwork in general. might just have to get the strategy guide
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Steampainting Spark
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    a bit specialist but if you are into vehicles this is awesome


    I got it from a second hand shop for £8
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    The Monster Hunter CG books - hundreds of armor designs, monster designs in pencil and full color. Absolute goldmine for character artists :D

  • Bart
    The Art of district 9 definetively !
    Art of Uncharted 2 - it has really amazing environment concepts
    Deco Devolution - Art of Bioshock 2. Amazing book. Tho it can only be abtained with the Limited Edition of Bioshock 2.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    BTW: The Art of Bioshock is a free download.

    Near bottom of page here:
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Didnt the Darksiders art book have a problem with the pages falling out though?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    skylebones wrote: »
    I absolutely love the art of Darksiders. I've never seen an art book so full of content.

    ......I could've picked that up while I was in chapters today *facepalm*

    EDIT: Make Darksiders, Starcraft, Warcraft, any other fantasy doodle book.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    "Didnt the Darksiders art book have a problem with the pages falling out though?"

    This is happening to mine now, yes.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Good list Peppi! I second all of those, especially Dreamworlds, Cosmic Motors and The Art of Hellboy.

    I also love pretty much any of the 'art of' books for animated movies by Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks etc. They're always full of great quality work. Of the recent ones, Tangled and Megamind books are very good.

    In terms of traditional stuff, The Sargent collections by Paul Mellon Centre BA are really good with some excellent reproductions. The Leyendecker book from Abrams is awesome too. The Bernini book from Phaidon is another recommendation.

    But yeah, so many books and so little time. I'm hoping Santa might bring a few my way...
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I just got my first Pixar art book for christmas, the one dedicated to the Shorts..its amazing. It's half written about how each one came about and the other half is the actual concepts. Super great stuff.
  • Stinger88
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I got the Art of Tim Burton for Christmas. It is brilliant. Top quality production values too.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I got Exodyssey for Christmas. Haven't had a proper chance to look through it yet but everything I've seen so far has been very nice. Full of great environment paintings and it has vehicles and characters sprinkled throughout it too.


    I also received Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar. It's part art book and part biography on Valve's journey from 1997 up to 2005. Was very lucky to get a new copy though because it went out of print in early 2006 I think. There are still some copies floating around though. I'm pretty sure mine was ordered off of Amazon from an outside seller but it wasn't cheap.
  • Tom Ellis
    Sorry to hijack the thread, but I've got a related question;

    If anyone owns/has read Exodyssey and Skillful Huntsman, which would you recommend if I was to choose one?

    I've got an Amazon voucher but money is kinda tight and for now I can only grab one of them.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    get both :) they are both awesome :) Exodyssey is more fun for me but only by a smidge. Its more sci fi and a bit more polished but I would call skillful huntsman an idea book, with tons of thunbnails, silhouettes and nice line art. Its got quite a few finished paintings aswell but I like the boldness in Exodyssey and the subject matters really cool.

    edit; just got skillful huntsman out again and its amazing. The thumbnails are really fantastic, I just dont like the finals too much but yea I would get that now haha, why dont you have a look on parkablogs so you can have a sneaky peek?........dam you dreamer :D
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Sorry to hijack the thread, but I've got a related question;

    If anyone owns/has read Exodyssey and Skillful Huntsman, which would you recommend if I was to choose one?

    I've got an Amazon voucher but money is kinda tight and for now I can only grab one of them.

    ~ Skillful Huntsmen > Everything Else > Exodyssey

    Too much wishy washy nonsense in Exodyssey for me. I think it's overhyped. However; Skillful Huntsmen is probably in my top3 art books. Great learning tool, and incredible insight into thought process of creating unique concepts.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Dreamer wrote: »
    ~ Skillful Huntsmen > Everything Else > Exodyssey

    Too much wishy washy nonsense in Exodyssey for me. I think it's overhyped. However; Skillful Huntsmen is probably in my top3 art books. Great learning tool, and incredible insight into thought process of creating unique concepts.

    lol. Don't you think that's a little harsh?

    IMO Exodyssey is friggin awesome. Its like an AWESOME overload. And an original way to bring a book together. Although granted, i'm still a little unsure what the story is about (coz I get distracted by the pretty pictures everytime i open it) and the images at the end seem a bit "off topic". But every page is inspirational.

    When an Art of Deus Ex 3 book comes out its gonna look alot like it. You can see the Steambot style coming though alot in the deus ex trailers.

    has anyone bought Steampainting Spark yet? I've been pondering it but im in UK so i've been waiting to see if come to amazon.
  • Tom Ellis
    Thanks Dreamer/Crazy, I'll go with TSH then, and pick up Exodyssey some other time when my bank account has recovered from present buying.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Just ordered the Darksiders art book, I actually didn't know it was out yet. You guys have definatly mentioned some awesome art books I need t check out.

    There is one "art" book that I've been meaning to get for a while now, and I'm sure some of you all know the artist's work - The Abominable Charles Christopher - Book One
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Love the Art of Darksiders. It has tons of content but the quality if the binding it's not that great so expect to handle it with a lot of care. A lot of people already mentioned the Art of Uncharted and God of War. They are both great. On another note I love the Art of Spirited Away and the Art of Howl's Moving Castle. They are simply stunning.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I'd also recommend The Skillful Huntsman over Exodyssey in terms of documenting the process of a project, but I'm not sure the artwork holds up that well against more recent books. Don't get me wrong, it's still great work and there's a lot of creativity to each design, but it's just a reflection of how far concept art has come in the last 7 years. If you compare it to say, Alien Race, there's a huge disparity in the quality of the final images I think. In terms of thumbnailing and silhouettes though, I think Skillful Huntsman has a great deal to offer.

    The new Steambot book 'Spark' is pretty great too if you are interested in seeing processes. It's basically a set of images with 4-5 stages for each piece. Lots of great work by Feerik and those other talented fellows.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Probably going to get Structura and Art of Darksiders and some of the Scott Robertson stuff. I'd love to get my hands on the Guildwars 2 artbook but B&N doesn't carry it.

    I miiiiight get The Skillful Huntsman but the last time I scoped it out it seemed very character focused, I'm more interested in environments or books that have an equal balance of characters and environments.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    oh. Also pick up Structura recently. Very nice book and well worth £12.99.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Just placed the order:

    Structura: The Art of Sparth
    Dream Worlds - Hans Bacher
    Lif Off - Scott Robertson
    The Art of Darksiders

    total, $106.52 so with the gift card it came to $6.52.
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