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MAx 2011 jerky Viewport

polycounter lvl 17
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low odor polycounter lvl 17
so just got Max 2011 demo to mess with over the break

loaded in a moderate lvl polygon model (300,000)

when the viewport is maximized, the arc rotate jerks around like a meth addict looking to score (PAN, Zoom...work fine

minimized into the standard 4 views and it is as smooth as silk

I tried this with some primitives, and it does the same thing.



  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    well it seems if I use alt+mmb it doesn't get choppy at all (as long as I have an object selected.) But as soon as I bring up the arc roatate loop (I think they call it obrbit now) it gets choppy (even with 0 objects in the scene)..I did an experiment with a camera..and it works fine...strange..oh well
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