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[WIP] - Environment, needs critiques

polycounter lvl 9
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kwshipman polycounter lvl 9
Hello all! New guy here, recently completed classes at Futurepoly, and looking for some help on my environment.

The environment is based on a set of sketches by Matt Barrett
It will be kind of an "Old West" town, just not one from around here.

Here is what I have so far:

I'll be adding additional antennas, pipes, etc to each building, plus roughing up the plaster, maybe have some brick showing through (if I can figure out how to get it to work with MAX/UDK). As more buildings get finished and pieces are imported into UDK, I'll update with more images.

Please leave comments on what needs improvements, what should be changed, or any tips. These are rough at the moment, but I'm approaching the point of needing to start polishing, and I'm in serious need of help. Thanks!
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