Hey everyone. I'm starting to get used to mudbox and I have some slightly less obvious questions now. (I hope)
While I was trying to get some detail on the tongue of my character and having difficulty reaching them, some of the vertexes on the tongue shot like 20 feet in the air... Then I tried desperatly to undo and the model went black. took me a little while to realise that by pressing undo multiple times I'd turned off the lights in the in 3d view? :poly122:
Well amongst the confusion I managed to drag some verts out of place on her right-hand cheek, I wanted to undo it, and it didn't want to oblige.
I'm wondering whether there is a brush I can download that mirrors one side of an object onto the other? kind of like the stamp tool in photo shop except mirrored and 3d, and aligned with the other side.
I've also kept quiet about THIS problem for a while, but there appears to be a patch of violet coloured faces at the end of the pony tail O_o It's there when I have textures applied as well. It kind of looks like a piece of UV mapping..
If it makes any difference I have done a pretty thorough job looking for solutions on google.
to mirror the whole objet use mirrorX...
the violet/blue faces are uvs outside the uv space 0-1...
mud will create an extra texture for it...
by default the textures outside 0-1 are unloaded to save vram...
if you like to load it hover over the area and use the "up arrow" shortcut...
but you could duplicate the sculpt layer mirror it over and mask the areas you dont want...
I'm also getting a new problem.. There seems to be a problem with brush flow in some areas. Some parts of my model just refuse to be affected by the sculpt tool.. REALLY frustrating... this wouldn't be a layer problem would it?