I never cease to be impressed by the awesome artwork that comes along through here, and I find it a shame that only a few select few get chosen to be used as a header up there.
Would it be possible to have a top row like the one they have on Zbrush central? Simply something that updates often, and shows off the incredible artwork that comes along.
Just a suggestion though!

however I felt that the News Page for the Domwar voting completely overlooked all those awesome 2D guys, by only showing images of the 3D entries. Let's not leave them out in the future! Those guys painted up a storm!
.....but. that would possibly only work in the P&P forum. Coz general discussion would only show cat gif's and cock tanks (or is that P&P as well?).
I'm not trying to discount others who have done great work, and there's tons of good work on Zbrush's top row thing, but at the moment it feels like a MAJOR AWARD!!!!! to be featured in the polycount header.
Ah cool, thanks.
That said I think I would rather see the news page combined into the header area so I don't have to have 2 links in my bookmarks tab thing in my browser for PC.