Has anyone tried UDK Remote yet?
I loaded up the default scene that comes with UDK Mobile, and am trying to test out the UDK Remote via iPhone to move around on the test window on my PC. So far, I'm doing something wrong already :poly142:
I put in my IP address and my port on the iPhone app, but I am not getting a response via my PC. I don't believe I have any firewalls or such on either.
I've read over the documentation many times but can;t figure out why it isn't working? Maybe it's something stupidly simple.
Let me know if you guys have it going yet!
And yes, I'm using the "Mobile Previewer" option in UDK's window.
IP config on PC, punch that number into the iPod/iPhone/iPad/iTruck/iHamster and that's it.
1) Use router ip (Usually begins with 1.92.168.X.XX)
2) DON'T change the port number. That port number is, I think, just for using UDK Remote.
3) You MUST be on a WiFi network for it to work. A 3G connection alone will not allow it to work.
There we go, for peeps who have troubles.
when i put in the IP from ipconfig, it says on udk remote "sending touch and tilt info" but nothing happens. im running wireless internet on my computer as well.. could that be a factor?
I put in a wrong IP as a test and it immediately gives me the "Failed to resolve!", warning, so I know its recognizing my ip.
At this point I'm wondering if the ipod touch isn't fully compatible but I wouldn't doubt that I have missed something important.
Thanks, glad to hear it does work. I don't see UDK remote listed in the allowed programs. Do I need to install it on my PC, or is there a file in my UDK folder I need to find?
Do ports need to be forwarded on my router? I've been looking through the epic forums and have seen several people having the same issue where they can't get past "waiting to connect".
I also tried changing the port to 41766, but the result is the same, this leads me to believe it may be a router issue, but I don't know enough about networks to be sure.
Thanks again for all the help this far.