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sniper rifle WIP

polycounter lvl 10
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polypunx polycounter lvl 10

i've been working on a sniper rifle but i'm stuck on the diffuse atm. i'm not really happy with how it looks right now but i'm not sure
on what to do to make it better.
it would be nice if i could get some feedback and ideas on how to improve it.



  • uncle
    I'm not expert but I found racer445's tut deeply inspiring:


    Also the handle needs more love, check some refs.

    Keep on the good work and improve it to became best :)
  • Impala88
    Are you after a sort of out of the box appearance? or a more of worn and battle hardened look? I'd probably add some scratches and paint chips if you're going for the battle hardned feel, although mostly just around the hard edges using a custom brush as you dont want it looking overly scratched.

    I can see you've done a bit already but maybe add some finer scratches acros the flat surfaces, very subtly and around the scope area. Also, most flat metal colours are jumbles of colour mixed up, you might want to experiment with overlaying very sublte colour blodges using a soft brush see how that works. again dont over do it :) the less the better.

    Looking awesome so far though :)
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    Hi Polypunx,

    It's looking great, what's standing out to me are the very systematic scratches along the edges of the gun, break them up more so they are not long white lines, add a lot more finer scratches branching off.

    Keep at it.
  • polypunx
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    polypunx polycounter lvl 10
    uncle: great tutorial, thanks a lot =)

    Impala88: thanks. i want it to look like it's been used a lot. but not too much either, not like it's been buried in sand for 200 years.
    didn't know that about metal. probably something you don't think about when you look at it but pick up on a subconscius level. great advice, thanks. =)

    snow: good advice, thanks. =)

    thanks for the feedback! i'll try to post something soon. been pretty lazy the last weeks though.
  • polypunx
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    polypunx polycounter lvl 10
    Hboybowen: that's the total amount of tris in the scene, with the highpoly included. the mesh for the finished model is about 6000 tris.
    still a little high maybe for a ingame mesh?
  • sneakymcfox
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    and your sitting at 800k poly thats really high for a mesh so simple

    He probably has the high poly hidden in the background. :)

    What was said about breaking up the scratches and making them look less even, adding a few on no edge surfaces seems like good advice also what material is the handle suppposed to be maeout of because at the moment it's very hard to tell.

    When doing your scratches try to use your AO as a guide for where to scratch as it will show you the edges that are most exposed to abuse, some of your edges are scratched right until the enter another larger surface which looks a little wierd.
  • polypunx
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    polypunx polycounter lvl 10
    sneakymcfox: i haven't really touched the handle yet. but it will propably be metal. i will add some normal map to it too. looks a little boring right now.
    great advice using the AO as guide. thanks
  • noname
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    noname polycounter lvl 10
    did you do any work on the spec map yet? imho a diffuse map for metal is "supposed" to look boring by itself. alot of the surface detail and definition in metal is added with it's specularity.

    don't be stuck on the diffuse, start working on the spec. ;)
  • polypunx
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    polypunx polycounter lvl 10
    noname: i used the diffuse map as spec map for the renders just to get some specularity but it's not really that noticable, the details showing are mainly in the diffuse. but yeah, i should probably tone the details down in the diffuse map and have them showing more in the spec map.
  • polypunx
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    polypunx polycounter lvl 10
    hey, so i've made a few changes, for the better i hope. no major though, overall it pretty much looks the same.
    reduced some of the wear, added some scratches, and i've tried to make it look a little more interesting.


    i've started on the specular map. i don't have a lot of experience working with specular maps so i'm hoping to get some advice.
    did a comparison that shows the rifle without and with the specular map. don't know if it's a good way to show it.
    i'm posting the spec map here too, hoping that some expert can point things out just by looking at it.

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