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Question about Unusual Hat particle effect placement

Not exactly sure if I'm posting this in the right section, but I've got a question about the particle effects on Unusual Hats.

Are there specific co-ordinates in which each effect is placed at?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm working on a plugin for a friends TF2 server and one of the features is the ability to give yourself any of the Unusual Hat particles.

Currently, in my coding, I've got the following:
stock Handle:CreateParticle(String:type[], Float:time, entity, attach=NO_ATTACH, Float:xOffs=0.0, Float:yOffs=0.0, Float:zOffs=0.0)
    new particle = CreateEntityByName("info_particle_system");
    if (IsValidEdict(particle)) {
        decl Float:pos[3];
        GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", pos);
        pos[0] += xOffs;
        pos[1] += yOffs;
        pos[2] += zOffs;
        TeleportEntity(particle, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
        DispatchKeyValue(particle, "effect_name", type);

        if (attach != NO_ATTACH) {
            AcceptEntityInput(particle, "SetParent", entity, particle, 0);
            if (attach == ATTACH_HEAD) {
                AcceptEntityInput(particle, "SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset", particle, particle, 0);

I realize this forum may not be the best place to ask about things relating to TF2 plugins made for AMX/SourceMod, but I figured since you guys do alot of work in regards to creating new weapons and such, you'd know what the exact particle placement co-ordinates are, and if the co-ordinates differ for each effect.

Currently, with the above code, the particle effects end up appearing on top of a players head, and I want to try to get the effects to appear in the same area that they would when wearing an actual Unusual Hat.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I apologize in advance if I've posted this in the wrong section.
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