~ The BAFTA's annually award musicians. They've recognised them for years. This year Uncharted 2 musician won, although it was tight as Assassins Creed 2 was picked for favourite to win.
They should get more respect, but putting them in their own category is a terrible idea, makes it sound like games can't compete with movies or tv scores. Should change "other visual media" to games though
And like Dreamer said, the BAFTA's do this already, and they have a some what respectable game awards show, not some Spike tv crap too
Video Games Live goes a long way toward breaking the 8bit sound barrier that most people associate with video games while still managing to pay homage to the classics.
I'll be going to the Jan-22th show in Seattle, ahh The Paramount good memories... good times this won't be like those concerts but then again I've mellowed so its probably a good thing.
Yeah, not just video games music.
The entire games industry deserves a lot more respect.
Agreed, and as the average age of gamers grows older and they start to have kids we'll see its appreciation grow. There are still a lot of old reporters who got their start as when LA Noire wasn't a step back in time... When we see more of the old guard retire, we'll see less "video games are the devil!" "technology trampled my tulips!" reporting.
I just read an article about how Black Ops is turning GF's Wives and SO's into 21st century "COD Widows" like football did to "past generations". The rest of the article was the typical out of touch, technophobic media trying to tie games to everything that is wrong with the world, but it showed signs of promise... just need to hold the pillow down a little longer and ... err I mean they're coming around.
As a musician who has put out tons of albums and played with tons of bands and played big shows i feel like a lot of Videogame music today is lacking. The problem with a lot of video game music today I've noticed, is that the orchestrated stuff doesn't produce a solid melody. It isn't memorable, it's epic as all hell and beautiful and crisp...but..lacks heart and soul. Why do you think the classic 8-bit music is so great and memorable, they had so little to work with in terms of technology, that they had to make sure the songs they wrote were catchy.
Thats not to say Videogame music today shouldn't be acknowledged for it's amazingness. The Epic Mickey soundtrack IS AMAZING. And of course there is my favorite video game composer of all time..
Mutha Fuckin Grant Kirkhope. He worked for rare and produced some of the best music of al time..now I heard 38 Studios has him, right? I'm so jealous.. I would kill to hear what he's working on right now. But yea, Grant Kirkhope is an amazing example of someone who is given an orchestra and knows what to do with it.
The problem with a lot of video game music today I've noticed, is that the orchestrated stuff doesn't produce a solid melody. It isn't memorable, it's epic as all hell and beautiful and crisp...but..lacks heart and soul.
same with a lot of the bombastic-mega-epic music of sooo many recent hollywood blockbusters. after a while all their scores become the interchangeable hans zimmer, klaus badelt & co sound *yawn*
Not that I don't respect their work, but some more diversity would be nice. Or maybe it's just the customers to blame who order this stuff....
Anyway, video games shouldn't get their own category. Except for the 8 bit soundtracks, many game scores I have on my ipod could just be as well for a movie, tv series, etc.
Video game music is a passion of mine. And yes, I'm with the things were better before crowd.. Bombastic orchestral themes might fit the mood of an epic scene, but I have to second those who say its just not memorable. (With a few notable exceptions of course, i find myself humming to Soule's morrowind theme every now and then.)
Final fantasy is a good example (in my book) of how quality made the music worse. Every final fantasy game has had memorable melodies, but i can't for the life of me remember a single melody from 12 or 13..
Mario, zelda, little big adventure, little big planet, monkey island etc etc.. great music in great games. Everyone i talk to about videogame music feel the same way tho, so i think there's definitely appreciation for the craft out there. Mainstream and "official" recognition is less prominent tho, and videogame music deserves more. Unless it turns into "most epic violins" and "number of people in ominous choir chanting in latin" awards.. :P
The NeverHood had one of the most unique and memorable themes ever, and it fit the style of the game perfectly. I find myself whistling to these songs years after i last played. Here's a sample:
The problem with a lot of video game music today I've noticed, is that the orchestrated stuff doesn't produce a solid melody.
I think the same way.
also i think today many game music are based on ambient and moment/sequence,
so the music and the sound trigger if you are in the right place and in the right time.
I havent play Nier, but I think this music is a pretty catchy video game music with todays instrument
even gametrailers.com review mention it.
"audio guys" deserve more respect from their industry - most of the time it's just one person who's tasked with scoring the game and making all the sound effects.
"audio guys" deserve more respect from their industry - most of the time it's just one person who's tasked with scoring the game and making all the sound effects.
I fully agree! Music in a game is just as important as the content(in most cases); if you have crappy music it takes away from the game but if you have good music it can add to the game.
Even games like dead space that have very little music but a lot of sound; that sound development made that game that much more creepier.
I think the musical/sound guys of the industry are under-loved, That's some real talent to make all the tracks for a single game and/or sound effects. :thumbup:
I wish game music nowadays had more effort rather than 'eh, let's get Soule on the line to cook us up some generic orchestra score. then we'll game of the year for his legendary involvement"
"audio guys" deserve more respect from their industry - most of the time it's just one person who's tasked with scoring the game and making all the sound effects.
Going further down the line, I think the engineers at Sound Ideas deserve a lot more too, I mean they are the ones that came up with the repetitive sound libraries abused by professional sound designers after all!
honestly, I think they're going about it the wrong way.
are video game composers great? yes.
are people choosing not to compose for games because they wont win an award? maybe.
are the grammys a total hack? YES.
should video game composers want the respect of a hack organization? I dream of a world where the answer is no.
This industry just doesn't get the respect it deserves.
But honestly who cares, in 20 years, we're going to be dominating the media landscape anyways, and we're going to have all the pointless reward shows we never needed too.
I wish game music nowadays had more effort rather than 'eh, let's get Soule on the line to cook us up some generic orchestra score. then we'll game of the year for his legendary involvement"
Going further down the line, I think the engineers at Sound Ideas deserve a lot more too, I mean they are the ones that came up with the repetitive sound libraries abused by professional sound designers after all!
Thats what annoys me and there are some people that love that generic junk.
I've got got the MDK soundtrack on my pc sourced from the original game CD, because they let you play the music in a cd player.
I think music/audio, is one of the most important things in games, it sets the atmopsphere and tone(but then games these days dont go for that much, or even understand it).
This industry just doesn't get the respect it deserves.
But honestly who cares, in 20 years, we're going to be dominating the media landscape anyways, and we're going to have all the pointless reward shows we never needed too.
Yeah unfortunately by then the whole 'epic/gothic choir' black ops style might become even more widespread. I personally cannot stand it when games get orchestrated like that, it feels so formulaic ...
Hopefully there will be more gems like the MGS soundtracks in the future. I love simple pumping stuff too!! The Megaman and FZero tunes are just fantastic, and I hope that more fun stuff like that will still be made!
Stating the obvious here, but I found an album of orchestral FF music on spotify (here!) By Nobou Uematsu, and started listening to it purely for the nostalgia kick - I was blown away. Hearing the classic FF intro, not in midi, but being played by a full orchestra, rising in intensity with a choir behind it nearly brought tears to my eyes. Powerful stuff.
And like Dreamer said, the BAFTA's do this already, and they have a some what respectable game awards show, not some Spike tv crap too
I'll be going to the Jan-22th show in Seattle, ahh The Paramount good memories... good times this won't be like those concerts but then again I've mellowed so its probably a good thing.
The entire games industry deserves a lot more respect.
Edit: Definitely called you Vig out of habit.
I just read an article about how Black Ops is turning GF's Wives and SO's into 21st century "COD Widows" like football did to "past generations". The rest of the article was the typical out of touch, technophobic media trying to tie games to everything that is wrong with the world, but it showed signs of promise... just need to hold the pillow down a little longer and ... err I mean they're coming around.
I don't mind at all, call me whatever you want. Even nasty names, just be prepared for whatever I decide to call you =P
Absolutely nothing. It should get just as much respect as any other music score.
Thats not to say Videogame music today shouldn't be acknowledged for it's amazingness. The Epic Mickey soundtrack IS AMAZING. And of course there is my favorite video game composer of all time..
Mutha Fuckin Grant Kirkhope. He worked for rare and produced some of the best music of al time..now I heard 38 Studios has him, right? I'm so jealous.. I would kill to hear what he's working on right now. But yea, Grant Kirkhope is an amazing example of someone who is given an orchestra and knows what to do with it.
same with a lot of the bombastic-mega-epic music of sooo many recent hollywood blockbusters. after a while all their scores become the interchangeable hans zimmer, klaus badelt & co sound *yawn*
Not that I don't respect their work, but some more diversity would be nice. Or maybe it's just the customers to blame who order this stuff....
Anyway, video games shouldn't get their own category. Except for the 8 bit soundtracks, many game scores I have on my ipod could just be as well for a movie, tv series, etc.
It's mostly... "DUDE this game has redic. grafix man" or "BRO, should get the new COD cause it's COD".
Final fantasy is a good example (in my book) of how quality made the music worse. Every final fantasy game has had memorable melodies, but i can't for the life of me remember a single melody from 12 or 13..
Mario, zelda, little big adventure, little big planet, monkey island etc etc.. great music in great games. Everyone i talk to about videogame music feel the same way tho, so i think there's definitely appreciation for the craft out there. Mainstream and "official" recognition is less prominent tho, and videogame music deserves more. Unless it turns into "most epic violins" and "number of people in ominous choir chanting in latin" awards.. :P
The NeverHood had one of the most unique and memorable themes ever, and it fit the style of the game perfectly. I find myself whistling to these songs years after i last played. Here's a sample:
I think the same way.
also i think today many game music are based on ambient and moment/sequence,
so the music and the sound trigger if you are in the right place and in the right time.
I havent play Nier, but I think this music is a pretty catchy video game music with todays instrument
even gametrailers.com review mention it.
of course you know about this
this one is Hollywood licensed game, yet you can find the music is extremely catchy for gaming.
video game music style is quite distinct from movies or tv. regardless how up to date the instrument they use.
thats very Impressive explanation summarize many question!!!
I fully agree!
Even games like dead space that have very little music but a lot of sound; that sound development made that game that much more creepier.
I think the musical/sound guys of the industry are under-loved, That's some real talent to make all the tracks for a single game and/or sound effects. :thumbup:
and lets not forget EWJ level 2. Brilliance!
Going further down the line, I think the engineers at Sound Ideas deserve a lot more too, I mean they are the ones that came up with the repetitive sound libraries abused by professional sound designers after all!
are video game composers great? yes.
are people choosing not to compose for games because they wont win an award? maybe.
are the grammys a total hack? YES.
should video game composers want the respect of a hack organization? I dream of a world where the answer is no.
This industry just doesn't get the respect it deserves.
But honestly who cares, in 20 years, we're going to be dominating the media landscape anyways, and we're going to have all the pointless reward shows we never needed too.
Thats what annoys me and there are some people that love that generic junk.
I've got got the MDK soundtrack on my pc sourced from the original game CD, because they let you play the music in a cd player.
I think music/audio, is one of the most important things in games, it sets the atmopsphere and tone(but then games these days dont go for that much, or even understand it).
Yeah unfortunately by then the whole 'epic/gothic choir' black ops style might become even more widespread. I personally cannot stand it when games get orchestrated like that, it feels so formulaic ...
Hopefully there will be more gems like the MGS soundtracks in the future. I love simple pumping stuff too!! The Megaman and FZero tunes are just fantastic, and I hope that more fun stuff like that will still be made!
I dont think it's just nostalgia btw - it is still awesome!
EDIT: Also, Lets not forget the original Halo and Tomb Raider OST's.
Nostalgic songs and remixs like:
And music like the entire Age of Conan OST is really good to listen to as well:
And yeah.. too many good tracks on that.
Gamasutra Report: Video Games Recognized Alongside Film, TV Music At Next Grammys
its hardly been 40 years since the start of the games industry things will change..
switching to 480p is a must.
Stating the obvious here, but I found an album of orchestral FF music on spotify (here!) By Nobou Uematsu, and started listening to it purely for the nostalgia kick - I was blown away. Hearing the classic FF intro, not in midi, but being played by a full orchestra, rising in intensity with a choir behind it nearly brought tears to my eyes. Powerful stuff.
yeah, uematsu's stuff rocks
playing though lost odyssey with a friend, and it's way better than some of the recent final fantasy stuff without him.
also there's this
so games are starting to [ame="
^ you just murdered me right there and sent me to heaven ... T_T