Thinking to branch out some. Plus my hands shake sometimes [past drug abuse] and that makes me re-do a lot of Photoshop paints and sometimes modeling things. Maybe could take that into account?
Looking for something standard, but well-rated. I will look on newegg but would like some suggestions from people that own one and could give me suggestions.
Thank you.
Or if you spend your afternoons rolling in money, get a Cintiq. Other graphics tablets have a hard time matching the quality of wacom tablets, so it isn't much of a discussion. You know what you gotta get, but how big and what you can afford is the only question in my mind.
If you draw mostly with your wrist then go with a smaller size, if you use more of your arm then go with a larger one.
Also keep in mind how it will map to your monitor a very large high resolution monitor and a small tablet probably won't work out too well.
LazyNezumi might help with the shaking.
LazyNezumi thread here on Polycount.
Just ask some friends if you can borrow or use theirs, and I think apple stores have some wacoms attached to their display-systems.
Thanks for the advice.
Prices seem to vary greatly from product to product
I'm thinking I don't need to spent $350 on a tablet when I paint like landscapes and gun textures in PS. $799? I never knew these things could be so expensive. Wow.
I think I'm looking at this one
Will try to google some reviews.
wacom tablets functions in any position, and you can flip it around and change settings to have it function turned 90 degrees or 180 if you would so want.
So yes, there's no incompatibility with left-handedness :P
For me, it was important that I didn’t have to move my hand across a large tablet to get to the far end of my monitor. It was easier for me to adjust and have shorter strokes when working in PS.
The closer you get to a 1:1 ratio between monitor and tablet work area, the further you’re going to have to move your hand across the tablet. Personal preference is definitely the determining factor here, but I just wanted to point that out.
Good luck!