Hey guys
I just had to switch to Max 2011 from 2009 last week and this new caddy UI is driving me nuts.
Is there anyway to disable this and get the old dialog boxes back?
I searched through the help file and couldn't find anything.
If you can't get the old dialog boxes back can you at least stop the thing from moving all over the place every time you zoom in or rotate?
I feel like the damn thing is taunting me. "Hey I bet you really want to do this really simple task that should take less then a second but hey YOU HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!"
It's also irritating when it pops up right on the spot you're working on and have to move it first.
lol. So true. Put this script in your scripts/startup folder. Then your caddies will stay put wherever you place them: http://mjblosser.com/caddiefix.ms
Microsoft had its stupid days too with Bob and Clippy, hopefully Autodesk is willing to learn likewise.
oh and the same:
basically this script lets you enable or disable that stuff:
I don't mind the new boxes too much it's just the moving around the viewports that annoys the hell out of me.