Hi guys. As I finished my little girl and receive a lot of useful crits, I'm starting another study, to improve my skills and knowledge. This is basicaly a regular sexy cartoonish girl. I'm working on the 2d side before start modeling. Images below are still WIP.
C&C about design, lighting or whatever is very welcome.

I would also be careful with the dark recesses on the face too. Sometimes that kind of thing works well on male characters, but it tends to be unflattering for females because it detracts from the lips (feminine) and emphasizes the chin (masculine). The form you want to create is fine, it's just that you probably want to stay within a more narrow range of values. Women go through a lot of trouble with makeup to emphasize certain facial features so maintaining clarity and readability is a good thing to strive for in your texture.
Looks like a cute character. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
I've made the changes you suggested, and i think she really looks much better now.:thumbup:
Only problem still is the mouth. At the moment it feels as if it is sitting on the surface of a balloon, almost as if she was blowing air in her cheeks - instead of being part of the face. Dont hesitate to push things in/pull stuff out!
@haikai: Yeah, that's the idea. I'm gonna use the front and side view as projections on Zapplink as a base for my textures. BTW, what do you think about Zbrush as a painting texture app? I'm aware you use Bodypaint, but have you tried Zbrush yet?
@pior: I tried to make the integration of mouth a little better, adding some small shadows and higjlights at corners... Do you think it's better now?
Anyway, i believe on the actual 3d model this problem will be totally solved.
There goes an update, with some work on side view.
This is the final concept. I'll start modeling and try to do more elaborate painting work on the 3d model.
I only tried poly painting in Zbrush briefly. Seems like some people can really whip out some amazing stuff with it, but it's such an alien process (much like everything in Zbrush!), that I didn't think it really fit how I like to work. I actually haven't seen a whole lot of diffuse only models produced with Zbrush although that's not saying that it's not capable of it. Zbrush is my primary sculpting application, but there's a ton of stuff in there that I still haven't explored enough.
The concept is looking good, by the way.
In fact, I'm not poly painting in Zbrush. I import the low poly model, the same I did on Maya and paint the actual texture on Zbrush, through projection master and Photoshop. I believe this should sound even more alien and old fashioned than most people here expect, but it works well for me...
@marq4porsche: Yeah, the idea is to make the hair on planes. Old school style! Thank you for your comment.
Good luck!