Hey Guys,
Finally breaking out of strictly using photoshop for painting textures and going to try out some 3d painting for an upcoming challenge.
Did a quick search for painting out seams across multiple materials, but didnt come up with anything. Was wondering what approach other people are using to combat this.
For clarity sake, lets say I have 2 meshes an arm and hand, with the seam running around the wrist. Also, both mesh chunks have their own seperate set of texture maps.
Do any of the 3d paint programs allow me to load up both materials, view both of them simultaneously, create a new layer, paint across the seams and export this new layer out to BOTH corresponding psd's or tga's
Anyone else got some workarounds to achieve the same goal?
Hit me up later , ill tell u all aboot it
What I like in 3D-Coat, is that I can then just hit ctrl-p to send all my paint layers to photoshop, and just drag-drop the fixed seam layer on my original PSD, no need to bother saving and opening files.
you rather should just make a larger texture atlast. the only reason why should ever have more than one material on your model is becasue there is distinctly different behaviours of different parts thatcant be achieved with the same material for example:
a waterfall model = opaque rocks + transparent refracting scrolling water
a sweetoooth like clown = opaque body + animated additive fire hair
but this does not seam to apply to your example of a "hand to arm"-transition that stuff should definitly be on the same texture/material/shader and in that case just use the known seam removable procedures.
3dsmax 2011 > Tools > Viewport Canvas
Total n00b at 3d painting programmes here!
Ghib, Bal: Thanks man I will give this a shot and see which one I prefer!
Warby: Well aware of the drawcall issues
Mark: Damn, thanks man I will try that one too!!
Sorry Haz... no help from me other than render texture projection, save file, paint seam fix, save, reproject, Convert to File Texture out of Maya... but I know you dislike Maya like I dislike vegemite... sooooooooooo... yeah, no help... sorriez
1) It doesn't play nice with psd's.
Layer folders, adjustment layers get converted over to standard layers. Which kind of sucks when you reopen the psd in photoshop. I normally viewport paint (on a copy of my model) with another "dummy" psd and drag those layers over to my actual photoshop psd if I'm in and out of photoshop. Photoshop doesn't realize the psd has been updated so you have to reopen the file, another drawback to working in and out of photoshop.
2) It won't display 100% self illuminated materials.
It will always default to a shaded standard material while painting then switch back when you exit painting mode.
3) It lacks an eye dropper.
But you can leave the color picker open.
But those things really aren't deal breakers for me. I've textured a few things 100% inside of max using nothing but viewport canvas.
Granted they where props and models for TF2 which isn't exactly all that diffuse demanding, and I still suck at painting diffuse maps, hence the job as a tech animator, but I was surprised at what I could get done and how fast it went. I dream of people with more talent taking it farther than I can.
Paint bucket fill on UV shells was great.
2D paint mode while seeing it in realtime on the model, was awesome.
Clone stamp, alpha brushes, dodge burn and sharpen are all great tools.
But what I like most of all, is how easy it is to manipulate the brush.
Brush Opacity: Alt + Shift + LMB drag
Brush Radius: Ctrl + Shift + LMB drag
Brush Hard/Softness: Ctrl + Alt + LMB drag
BTW if you didn't know, these are standard to most brush based tools in 3dsmax, such as the push, pull, relax brushes in Graphite. The Weight painting brush in the Skin Modifier ect...
Mark: *bows down* Dude mad props for that info - going to give this a shot!! it may serve my needs perfectly without any extra software at all!
you have to name them correct to the uv space they are in...
im painting here three different textures... this is also working with layer...
you are able to hide them (blue) to prevent them from painting...
Cant you just hit revert file? (f12 I believe)
I'm assuming you are referring to levels, hue/sat, curves, etc. as adjustment layers? Sucks it doesn't update though. Similar drawbacks from working out of Mud. Has a strict number/naming order that only allows you to create layers within Mud. Does viewport canvas save out individual texture files for each individual layer like Mud does?
Firebert, yep those are the layers I'm talking about, I think I ran into some wonkiness with layer masks also. And it does let you paint on separate maps for diffuse, spec, bump ect. I painted the 2D bump for the lighthouse in viewport canvas. It displays the map your painting on while you're painting it, so its not quite like Mud where you see the sum of all the parts at the same time. I mostly use it for blocking in diffuse work and fixing seams. I haven't used it on too many assets for other things but I imagine its going to be helpful.
There are some great PS scratch brushes out there and I'm trying to nail down getting VP canvas brushes to act the same way with the randomize settings. I've done a tutorial on getting PS brushes shapes into VP canvas () but getting randomize setting down hasnt worked that great for me. The good thing is once you get setting dialed in the way you like, you can save as preset and recall at will...and distribute to the community.
Do you know how to reset the brush to the default round brush? Maybe I'm missing something simple but after loading in some brushes and switching to some presets it seems to be stuck. Resetting all the settings seem to work but that seems kind of extreme.
Maybe i'm being my usual retarded self, but please do tell me where i can find the UV shell fill. I'm already loving the Element fill for quickly churning out masks, but a UV shell fill would kick ass
i've added a comment in the appropriate autodesk suggestion thread, maybe you guys can spare a vote or two (hey, it's flagged as "under consideration" already!)
EDIT: http://3dsmaxfeedback.autodesk.com/forums/80695-publicgeneralfeaturerequests/suggestions/1491185-viewport-canvas-bodypaint-replacement?ref=title
So yea voted for it!
Also, it would be awesome if viewport canvas would display normal maps when painting on the diffuse layer. I have to rip a channel out of the normal map and use it as a barely visible layer in the diffuse PSD just to get a guide... lame.
ahh, i didn't try it with an imported mask. but then i can just as well do it in the "real" 2D view called Photoshop
it'd be great if they could beef up VC a little. it needs just a push or two to be fairly competitive. And i agree, better realtime-viz would be one of those steps (see also the relevant autodesk suggestion thing: http://3dsmaxfeedback.autodesk.com/forums/80695-publicgeneralfeaturerequests/suggestions/2381502-viewport-canvas-enable-normal-bump-map?ref=title