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Bridge Explosion FX Scene

Hey everyone my name is Joseph and this is my first WIP thread. I just graduated from Full Sail in october for Visual Effects in Game Art. I started interning after I graduated and into my last week of the internship now. I spent a lot of the time researching on taking a simulation from Maya and bringing it into the UDK. I started on a small scale with just a sphere and now that I had that working I then made a bridge and am beginning to get this project underway.

This is the bridge I modeled out. Nothing fancy just a basic bridge I plan on putting in a small scene I will build.


Then I made a cube and softened it a few times to get a sphere shape and then started to deform it so I could use it as the damage the explosion would cause.


I then created a copy of the bridge to be the original and also made a few copies of the sphere. I placed 2 spheres on different points of the bridge and used an intersection boolean to remove the portions of the bridge that had been blown away. I made another copy of the original bridge and with 2 more spheres in the same place as before did a difference boolean to get the pieces that are going to be blown up so with these pieces placed inside the bridge the bridge is whole.



I also take another copy of the sphere and with the destroyed portion of the bridge did another intersection boolean to remove the middle portion of the bridge still standing that will end up falling. Also did another difference boolean to get the falling piece.



Any suggestions and critiques are welcomed.



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