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Max user wanting to learn maya, need some advice!

Hi everyone!

I will like to learn maya...and keep delaying it for some months now, because every time I "tried" using it I ended up in 3ds max as I am more used to......

the main problem I found is that I work in max using my intuos. I am very used to this workflow, as I find its hell faster & agreeable to work, than by using a mouse. (thats a personal opinion, some people might disagree)

So when I go to maya, by somehow, I find that I work faster using a mouse than a pen... (yeah thats a bit odd), might be the way the navigation is done, I am not sure. Thing is that I still find it really slow compared to the way things work in max, and I will like to start using my intuos in maya as well.

Ok I ll try to keep it short so here are some questions I have:

1) Is it possible to set the same max navigation in maya? If so, is this a good thing? or will you recommend to stick with the default maya settings, and why?

2) I saw there is a plugin by digital raster for maya users that want to use max, but havent found something similar for the inverse..... (maybe someone wrote a script/plugin that does this?)

3) Is there a way to have a "less crowded" ui in maya? I find there is hell of buttons everywhere!

4) Finally how do you deal with shortcuts in maya, in max I have many editable poly functions set to a keyboard shortcut for example. I guess maya will allow me to do this as well?

Thank you very much for your help!!!


  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    1) Mmm, weird, about the navigation, I'm originally a Max user, but I much prefer the Maya navigation, especially with a wacom. I'd like to use my wacom in Max too, but it feels so wrong, and the zooming is borked, while in Maya everything is just so fast and smooth.

    2) As far as I know this doesn't exist. To be honest keep at it, I don't know many people who've used both apps that don't think Maya's navigation is fine.

    3) Most of the stuff dockable/hideable, just move stuff around until you have it how you want it. Ctrl-spacebar will go to expert mode.

    4) The shortcut editor in Maya is alot more friendly than the one in max (easy to find the stuff you want, using the "query" and "find" buttons).
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    1. I'm not sure about the navigation switch in Maya. Maya's navigation seems more natural to me, and most other 3d programs use Maya's system. Honestly it doesn't take long to get used to any navigation system, the only time it slows me down is because they are different. I would recommend getting used to Maya's navigation and using switcher to get the same in Max just so they are consistent. That's what I do, although I went from Maya to Max.

    3. You can remove pretty much any part of the interface you want. Anywhere you see the double line of dots, you can right click on and choose to uncheck any of the menu bars you don't need.

    4. The hotkey system is way better in Maya because it is a universal system, unlike max where you can have a hotkey set to 10 different functions in 10 different modes. You can set hotkeys by going to Window>Settings/Preferences> Hotkey Editor. I went from Maya to Max about 6 months ago, and I was able to keep my hotkeys almost the same across the two programs which made learning it much more intuitive.

    The shelf is very useful. I would recommend making a custom shelf, and you can add any action you can do in Maya to a shelf. With a menu, if you hold ctrl shift and left click on the menu function, it will add it to the current shelf. You can also add mel scripts and record common actions just like you can do in MaxScript, though imo it's even easier in Maya. I have all my common actions set to hotkeys, and all my less common actions added as buttons to the shelf.

    Almost everything you can do in Max you can do in Maya, though you will miss some of the more useful modifiers. If you need help finding the equivalent function in Maya, feel free to ask and we can point you in the right direction.
  • maze
    hey thanks a lot for taking the time helping me out!

    yeah I heard that people like maya navigation better than max's, I guess I just need to get use to as you said. And about shortcuts and UI thats really good to know as well! I will take your information in consideration, and go back testing. I think my main problem was to try maya and expect to have right away the same speed/comfortableness I have in max atm, and not taking the time just to explore it.

    But yeah I am now wondering about modifiers theres a bunch I like using like bend, FF (2,3,4) , path deform, shell, spherify. I am sure there are some equivalents for those in maya, although if you can help me letting me know the equivalents that will be awesome!

    Also if there is any link or additional info you think might help, its welcome as well!

    thanks again!
  • jipe
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    jipe polycounter lvl 17
    Maya's navigation becomes much easier with a tablet pen once you remap your pen settings in the Wacom Tablet Properties app. The default button settings are:

    Forward Rocker: Right Click
    Backward Rocker: Double Click

    But that's useless for Maya because you need three total inputs and using a button for double-clicking is redundant. So I end up making forward Middle Click and backward Right Click (I use middle click more to pan in the graph editor and grab keyframes, so your mileage may vary if you need to zoom more) but the idea is that you imitate a mouse's 3 buttons more accurately. Sorry if this sounds obvious or you already figured it out...
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    FF is Lattice
    Bend is bend in non-linear deformers

    Havent heard of the other two. You can find the deformers under the animation tab.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Path deform sounds like the wire deformer, if it's for using a spline as a deformer. Also look into motion paths and flow path deformers (under the "animate" menu) for creating complex gemoetry along splines, athough it's a bit clunky compared to max's version.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Heres my honest advice. If you don't *have* to learn maya, then dont learn it. It's navigation scheme is great tho, so indeed remap your intuos buttons like suggested above and you'll be able to use Maya, Max (with Switcher), Mudbox, Silo, XSI, 3DCoat very easily since they all use the Maya scheme.

    What matters is the art that you produce - that's what studios hire you for. And as a daily user of both apps, I can assure you that you wont find the equivalent of the modifiers you are looking for. They just dont exist in Maya, or whenever they do, they are way too convoluted.

    If you are a level/environment artist, then it might be interesting since the snap tools are very, very good in maya. But for anything relying heavily on pure modelling - I'd say don't bother.

    Again, thats just an honest opinion for someone using both apps regularly.

    (one advantage that Maya had over Max is that its realtime display of normalmaps is much more in synch with its own generated normals, as opposed to Max, plagued with a bug for years. Seems like its finally fixed in 2011, good stuff.)
  • maze
    Hello, thanks again for your time guys! I am taking note!!. Well to be very honest, I am interested in vfx/advertising as well, and the last contracts I had were indeed for advertising and the studio I ve been doing some work for this last months for uses Maya mainly. I will like to continue doing some work for them, and I felt that learning maya will ease things, and save me for some "timelosing" tasks, as to export/import .fbx...correct cameras, deal with scaling etc.

    And I think it will prepare me as well for any future opportunity involving maya.

    I really didnt know what to expect, and how much I should ve change the way I work in max to be able to feel that I am productive in maya. I appreciate your comments because it helps me to be realistic in what to expect.

    Indeed modeling and shading (mental ray) are my main concerns for a 3d app. Thanks again, and if there s any more you want to share I ll be glad to listen!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yup, its very relevant to specific kind of jobs. For instance there is no doubt about Maya being a far superior animation package than Max. (and no doubt about Max being a far superior modeler than Maya). In house vs off site contract is very important too!

    Good luck with it. Dont hesitate to post specific questions here about specific things you are trying to achieve with a given app, it will be answered in no time!
  • maze
    Hey thanks Pior! , yes it is mostly freelance work I am doing, I will indeed post for future questions! awesome to have polycounters to help!
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    theres no shell in maya that i no of. i think u just use the face extrude with local handles and pull the blue handle.

    as for path deform in maya, its located under animation tabs. once u swith to animation tabs. goto "animate" on the top toolbar. then go down and click "motion paths". on the side there will be "attach to motion path". after that click "flow path object". itd would best if u click the button beside it. then it will have a new window with settings for the flow path object. make sure lattice around: is set to curve.
  • Kripto
    You can also set Maya to use "Single-button mouse" mode in preferences and not use the pen's rocker switches at all. I've been using it this way for years and love it.
  • maze
    hey thanks again for your responses! I actually found what is bugging me from maya navigation, and is that compared to max or xsi, I actually need to "touch" my pen to the tablet in order to rotate the viewport, and while I find this very comfortable with a mouse (no contact issue here logically), I find it way too sensitive with a wacom pen. Is there a way to rotate the screen with either right click like xsi (no pen/tablet contact needed) or like max, "middle click + alt" and again no tablet/pen contact, or in any other way that doesnt require the pen to touch the surface of the tablet? Thanks again for your time!!!
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