I was going to say I can't believe we're not talking about it already, but then I realized that everyone's probably too busy
playing it to talk about it.
So, who's playing? Is it as good as it looks? How different is the game now? Do the class changes work? What are the new zones / instances like? I'm guessing Bobo's probably about done with the end-game stuff by now....

C'mon guys, log out for a few and tell us - is it teh awesomez?
I used to play hardcore back in early TBC, almost fell victim to full on addiction, then pretty much quit until WotLK came out. Since then I've only had the chance to play for like an hour or two a day, sometimes not at all so I like to think I have a good relationship with it lol. Playing like this though really lets me enjoy the game properly, read the quests, follow the story etc, rather than just blaze through to endgame asap then yell at noooobzzz and become an elitist ass.
Also, it's got about 100x more friendly for casual players, the group finder thing for dungeons is awesome, the way you can save points to pick up gear that was previously reserved for hardcore players only (well, at least the entry level version of said gear), it just makes it all much more accessible when you only have an hour or two to play.
Art style is awesome as ever, the new water/spell effects are nice, and I just switched race to Goblin and the animations are incredible, really a step above anything I've seen before in WoW.
Although I'm stuck at the moment because they've gone 'phasing crazy' in some of the new zones and because I switched factions midway through quest chains/phases, I lost all my quests yet am back in the first phase... so all the NPC's I need to talk to are invisible. Been waiting for a GM response for 5 days.
Really awesome though, I always recommend WoW to people just because it's a great game, addiction and life stealing powers aside... if you take it as an enjoyable game with great story, then I think anyone will like it.
I still love me some WoW now and then.
Don't really play with people though, so that's a part of the game I've yet to experience proper :P
Where you guys playing? Saurfang EU here
Yeah levelling is definitely more fun and quicker than ever. The redesigned starting areas and quests in 'the old world' are such a huge improvement on before (what I've seen of them at least). It's surprising how fast you can level, even without having to just blast through quest text and not reading the lore.
Zenedar EU, Horde, although likely to transfer soon, all my rl friends play over on Dragonmaw.
But yeah from what i played as a new character its a million times better in the starter zones, and Dead Mines is much better now, well kind of, depends how you look at it.
I miss wow....and i just found out my 7 days free has now ran out
is that the same expansion that I played last, only in red render?
With no balanced PVP such as Arena and warsong glutch and so on?
Enjoy guys.
They've made the dungeons more challenging, especially in Heroic, than WOTLK which is very nice since WOTLK took 30 minutes at most to run a dungeon while now 30 minutes is about the average/minimum for a normal. You also actually have to use CC again or else your tank will get raped which is never good.
Jewelcrafting was a bit annoying to level up to 475 for the daily since the prices were so inflated on the AH that I couldn't buy any gems and obsidium ore to prospect was hard to find when there were 100 people looking for it in the same zone. Now that it's died down a bit it's fine though, although I'm a bit annoyed that there are only 3 designs from the trainer past 455 and you have to buy all of the rest with the tokens that you get 1 of a day. Oh well, at least it actually requires work now.
That's about it for ranting on random topics from me for now!
The only thing that bothered me was the juxtaposition of old art with new art. Especially in the Worgen zone, you can see almost all brand new stuff, with some very old stuff sprinkled inbetween. The giant 2-headed Ogre comes to mind. It looks real great, but is surrounded by the old Ogres from years ago. The Worgen themselves suffer from it. They're basically the same Human model/textures from 6-7 years ago, and you then switch to a Worgen model/texture that looks fresh and much better-made.
Pretty well-done overall though.
That said, I'm a PvP player, and the game has nothing to offer for that. I was amazed that after all these years, AB/WSG/AV are STILL in the game? How is that possible? So yeah, I won't personally be resubscribing. Don't have time for it, and even if I did I wouldn't get the PvP content I would want.
Really great overall though. My brother's main server has a 3,000 people queue, so I guess they're doing well
gotta love a decent goldrush.
Goblins are so awesome too, love the thick New Yorker accent and that Beyonce dance is hilarious.
Started my Goblin rogue and he is kicking it. Love the starting stories, so entertaining.
Haven't got out of Hyjal yet on my huntard. Still sitting at 81.5.
Cannot wait to get stuck into the 85 dungeons n such.
the other day, we tried to log into her b.net account, but couldnt.
yesterday we got a mail from blizz saying they've observed some suspicious activities on her account, and have reset the password. so she got to pick a new password, got into her account managment.
whoever hacked the account was nice enough to leave a Cataclysm upgrade and 30days worth of playtime behind.
thank you mr.hacker, she finally got to play a bit today!
lvl30 worgen hunter bishes!
People can't hack those accounts though, be sure to change passwords here and there, because they must've gotten it from somewhere else where the password is similar, or they had a keylogger.
ton of people play at work so I defiantly am going to have to avoid getting super hooked back in. looks like its even easier to be super casual which i am happy for. might just play to level up/see all the lore stuff and do some easy raids and quit after like 2 months. did the same with wrath which was a shame because that was the best art/lore expansion
I started a new Human Paladin with the Shattering patch and got it to level 52 in the Eastern Kingdoms. Went through Elwynn Forest > Westfall > Redridge > Duskwood > Northern Stranglethorn and part of the Cape of Stranglthorn then took the portal from Booty Bay to Western Plaglands > Eastern Plaguelands > Badlands > Searing Gorge > Burning Steppes and stopped after taking the rocket to the Swamp of Sorrows at level 52.
All that and I had no problems questing and as a Holy Paladin even. There was a slight bit with quests turning green in some zones but I never completely outleveled a zone.
My level 32 Worgen Druid however.... I decided to try leveling completely in Kalimdor. Bad idea. Darkshore was ok if a little long. Ashenvale was long and the quests were much more poorly organized than the Eastern Kingdoms. None of the Eastern Kingdom zones I went through on my Paladin had as much back and forth run here, tun in quest, run back to town/the quest giver halfway across the zone, run there, run back to town, ect... as Ashenvale. Then when I finally finished all the quests and was ready to head into Stonetalon Mountains I missed a quest and ended with no quests in my journal so I had to run back to Ashenvale and picked up the lead in quest, which was green. So I skipped that zone and went to Desolace which started with kill a ton of Satyr quests so I skipped back over to Stranglethron until I'm level 33-34 when the Western Plaguelands portal quest opens.
So Kalimdor... still long and boring.
Played a Goblin for a bit. Only up to the Town-in-a-Box on the big island.
As for the new 80+ zones. I've only done a bit of Vash'jir and gained about a level and a half and it's pretty good so far. Yay seahorse mount. :poly142: That half level though came almost entirely from leveling Archeology for a couple hours or so. Toured a lot of the new zones. Uldum looks great.
My biggest complaint would be the shunting of the Worgen off to Teldrassil and requiring players to play through the Forsaken zones (Sliverpine/Hillsbrad) for the conclusion of the Worgen story. It would have been the only level 10-20 zone in the game and probably have been a nightmare on PVP servers but it would have been better story wise. :poly141:
+1 for this... a Polycount guild would be awesome.
Problem is of course, firstly you've got the different regions, US, EU and Oceanic. And then within that, everyones probably on different servers, and on top of that you've got people playing both Alliance and Horde.
I'd be up for transferring to another EU realm and possibly changing faction if people are serious about setting one up though.
If anyone is interested, add me on B.Net: thomasjamesellis@gmail.com or Blightsaber > Horde > Zenedar EU.
If you do add me though, leave a little comment explaining you're from Polycount, I tend to ignore requests I don't recognise.
Polycount relationships or personal relationships?
If you mean relationships between board members, I don't think it'll be an issue. The vast majority (if not all) people on here are mature enough to make the most of a PC guild I think.
The only time I've seen conflict in WoW guilds before is with immature little 12 year olds who think they're the best thing in the world, or with people so stupidly obsessed with the game that a slight mistake during a boss fight, or a lost roll on a loot drop is like the end of the world for them. I can't speak for everyone here but if me or someone else screws up when I'm in a group, or I lose out on a loot roll, I'll just laugh it off or take a 'ok next time' approach. I get the impression most people on here are similar.
dont underestimate the power of addiction & squabbles
Hmm, ok maybe it's not such a wise idea!
Still, anyone's welcome to add my b.net if they want.
This. If people start getting dramatic in wow, then they already had it in them and they would equally as much write a post about wanting to get banned on the forums.
It goes the other way too, tons of people having fun together and new people getting to know eachother.
Sadly the vast seas between the continents will hold us apart
We could start up both a EU and US polycount guild though (aswell as those for the other forgotten realms too)
The difference between what our guild was and what a polycount guild could be though, was that we were all crazy about the game
Regardless, i remember there was a polycount guild wayyyyyyyyyy back when, and im sure as professionals and adults it could be self-sustaining and not have a lot of drama... as long as the polycount forums didnt become a guild forum
First thing that leapt out at me was just how awesome the Blizzard Downloader is now. Might not seem a big deal to new(er) players, but man, that thing used to be a pain in the ass. I thought I'd be waiting for patches to download all day today.
Played a fair bit today, about a third of the way to 82, so I hope the level progression slows down towards 85. Went to Vashj'ir, liking it more than I thought I would for an underwater zone, off to Hyjal next. Only run one instance so far (BRC), which was pleasantly reminiscent of the good ol' Molten Core runs. Nice to see fire-spec mages are actually useful again. Still trying to adjust to all the changes!
Haven't checked out much of the newly-destroyed zones, but flying across Stormwind is so much easier than schlepping around on the ground. Rolled a goblin shaman to see the new starting areas, wasn't that thrilled with Kezan, and I'll still end up rolling a Worgen because they look so fucking awesome.
Can't wait to see some more instances / raids, and the sweet, sweet loot....
Wish I had time to play more, its heaps of fun.
Kezan is okay though but the worgen starting area is pure love
I've found it slows down a LOT after 82. I seemed to blitz through 80-82 in a couple of days from just questing and a couple of instances but 82 onwards definitely seems like a huge slowdown, which is great in my opinion. It could be because I've stayed in Hyjal rather than gone on to one of the higher level zones I guess but I still think it's a bigger jump to 83+ than 80-82.
And I agree about the new instances, so refreshing to see some difficulty back in the game. The Throne of the Tides instance is actually verging on 'hard'!! I failed the first few times with a number of groups at it yesterday, your group really needs to be able to mark and CC properly and quickly, and also put out some decent DPS. It definitely feels a lot more challenging which I think makes it more enjoyable, and of course rewarding when you finish it.
It doesn't need to cost anywhere near that much, at least not in one go. Firstly, don't buy the games from Blizzard. I've heard you can get the 'Battle Chest' which is Original and Burning Crusade for like $20 from some online/high-street stores. You'll be good for levels 1-70 then, Wrath you can probably get for another $20 or so and then maybe $35 or $40 for Cataclysm when you hit 80. You only need one at a time really, unless you want to play one of the races introduced in TBC (Draenei / Blood Elf) or Cataclysm (Worgen / Goblin).
EDIT: Yep, Battlechest is 20 bucks [ame]http://www.amazon.com/World-Warcraft-Battle-Chest-Mac/dp/B000H96C9M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1292408879&sr=8-1[/ame]
Plus, werewolves with top hats? So awesome.
their "mount" is apparently pretty awesome though.
they had a deal running a week or so ago where all 3 expansions were 20-30(?) bucks, $5 for 1 & 2, and 10-20 for 3. Doesnt look like its still going on though
I made my shaman a dwarf! going to transfer to Icecrown and play a little
Or just whisper me here and I will give you my B.net name so we can talk trash about random people. Haha.