Super Meat Boy is out for PC now (on steam)! I decided to buy it because it looked so awesome and it was pretty cheap

So what do you think?
My thought so far:
-I had a bit of difficulty adjusting to the controls, he responds rather directly, not sliding like we're used to from games such as oddworld or mario. But after a while i got the hang of it.
-It gets pretty hard pretty fast. Some levels seem very hard but are quite doable, others seem easy but if you want to get the bonuses they are incredibly hard. Nice and challenging.
-It looks awesome and the music is fun. I like the feeling even the menu is able to deliver.
Good speed running game too, fun to compare times with steam friends.
I'm playing with a 360 pad.
Its easily the most challenging fun I've had for a long long time, I can't remember the last game I played that had this kind of fast paced skillful platforming... maybe megaman. It certainly makes my fingers sore after playing a while due to holding down the sprint button all the time
I'm still not bored of it yet, going to try and 100% both worlds
The street fighter intro where dr fetus punches bandage girl made me laugh so much when I first saw it
Ninja gaiden reference was also hilarious! Actually there are many retro references that made me smile.
This is my single-player game of the year
@ bal and anyone else; Speaking of comparing times, my steam name is ukchichiri
Add me for battle of epeen!
edit; Just wanted to say I'm now playing this with my arcade stick, and it has relieved my pad finger pains.. but now it has introduced a different kind of pain for the finger holding down sprint, and my wrists due to the horizontal nature of a stick
I'd also like to say it feels more fun playing with a arcade stick.
Fun game.
The developers are fans of The Melvins too. A lot of the levels are named after their songs.
one thing occurs to me tho, I want to play all the characters but I really doubt I'm going to be able to unlock them all. I just want a cheat dammit!
I actually beat the first world.
After about 450 deaths.
Perhaps it was made out of a joke. =\
mostly because it's really hard and I feel as though I had an Easier time with IWBTG, strange as it seems.