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Conceptual Reality Studios Hiring [Royalty]

The way we work
A place where people can come together to make a real creative contribution, have some fun in the process, and get paid very well via game profits.
With the digital/online distribution channels now available to us, it's only now that we can cut out the middle-men and use a truely collaborative approach using the available online technologies to give us the means and resources to develop fun and engaging games, and be rewarded directly for it.
As such, we are not looking for employees or contractors, or "outside" people to help out for the purposes of having something cool on their resume.
We are looking for people to join our team, be involved in game development and be engaged in the creative processes, both on our current game in development and going forward on future projects
Our Current project in the works:
IndieDB site
Screenshot sample:
POH_MR2_screenshot8.1.jpg POH_MR2_screenshot4.jpg
Full indieDB Media release
A story driven co-operative epic where the team work together to bring an end to the reign of the oppressive corporate regime.
Utilising your unique powers, abilities, skills and items, can one team of heroes truly make a difference? Probably not, but either way it’ll definately get messy!
  • 1-4 player co-operative online fun!
  • Character persistence and presence online
  • Infinite replay-ability via advanced game mechanics
  • Hero based story line where your character abilities really matter!
  • Unique interaction mechanics based on character class, powers and items.
  • Wide variety of locations
  • Utilising the Unreal3 engine outstanding visuals and networking
The game consists of 6 chapters in total, each based in a different real-world location incorporating several game levels.
The current plan is to release the game in episodic form, each episode consisting of 2 chapters, to round out the full game for a total of 3 episodes.

We are building the current crew of programmers, artists, and game designers, each with a wealth of commercial, modding and online game game development experience.
Even if you haven't worked on a commercial game before, it's more your motivation, approach and professional team-work we are looking for.

More details available via correspondance once we receive your application.
General highly regarded experience:
  • Unreal3 engine experience
  • XSI Preferred experience, MAX and Maya considered
  • Examples of previous work preferably via online profile or demo reel
  • Must be self-motivated and be able to collaborate with the team online
Level Designers [Royalty] (2 available)
  • Ability to plan out level and work from existing level design plans
  • Imaginative focus on gameplay mechanics and integration into level layout
  • Kismet and scripting experience
  • Object placement and integration into the environment
Environment Artist/Asset Artist [Royalty] (2 available)
  • Experience in creating 3d assets or environment components using XSI 6.0+
  • Knowledge of game related poly limitations and optimisations
  • Ability to visualise level layout from plan/concept art and conform to gameplay specifications
Character Animator/Character Artist [Royalty] (1 available)
  • Ability to work with existing character rig, preferably in XSI
  • Ability to create new animations to existing specfication
  • Ability to model 3d character from concept art and specfication
Flash Designer [Royalty] (1 available)
  • Experience with flash and ActionScript 2.0
  • Ability to create GUI elements from concept art and specfications
If you are a self-motivated team player and would like to join our growing team of professionals working with the latest Unreal3 technology, please email joinus@conceptualrealitystudios.com with details of your experience and links to examples of your previous works!
Any questions, observations, hype or comments welcome here happy.gif
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