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Mudbox: tablet problems

polycounter lvl 8
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Simon polycounter lvl 8
Hello polycount forums :)

I'm trying to learn to use mudbox because it's taught in the college I want to go to.

when I use the tablet some of the tools, eg smooth pinch etc - paint a little to the left of the curser! I use a cintiq12wx, and it's only when it's on the tablet screen.
Is there a fix?

I found zbrush more intuitive from the start, do other people find that as well or do I just need a few more days on mudbox? So far I prefer zbrush...

Glad to be on the forums :D


  • Treacharous
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    Im not quite sure I understand you question. When you go to sculpt is it registering left of the cursor?
  • Simon
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    Simon polycounter lvl 8
    Sorry would have posted that I fixed the problem earlier but i had to go through the moderator's test and it turns out that turning off stamp scattering fixes the problem!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah, stamp spacing to 0 and steady brush to 0 fixes the problem. I have NO IDEA why they put those retarded values by default, its pretty much the best way to give an horrible impression of the program.
  • prototyp3
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    prototyp3 polycounter lvl 17
    This offset cursor issue is finally fixed properly in Mudbox 2011 with new Wacom drivers, allowing you to use stamp spacing and steady stroke, both on and off. The following steps got it working on my Cintiq dual monitor setup.

    -You need to update your Wacom drivers to the latest version 6.1.6-7
    -Then go into the Wacom Tablet Preference File Utility and click to remove all the preferences there.

    That should do it. Your sculpting should happen directly under your cursor regardless of the stamp spacing and steady stroke toggles. Just thought I'd post this in case it hasn't been shared already. Hope it helps the 3 or 4 Mudbox users here. ;]
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey! I'm happily joining the thread resurrection - Prototyp3, thank you so much!!! Ive been waiting for that moment for years, and you are correct, everything now works properly in Mudbox! The real Wax brush is BACK! Oooooh yeah!
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    I always had problems with newest Wacom drivers and photoshop unfortunately :(
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