Hi guys. This is a character I've been working on for my portfolio. My buddy Rayph keeps bugging me to post, so here it is! It's roughly based on a concept of Mumm-Ra by the awesome J.P. Targete. Sculpted and polypainted in Zbrush and modeled out and projected the real time in 3ds Max. The real time falls at about 8700 tris and 1x 2048 texture (diffuse, normal, spec, gloss, glow). Thanks for looking!
(higher res images and wireframe / texture images on my blogspot and cghub site)
Turntables here also:
http://vimeo.com/aenonimousReal time model and render from the 3ds max viewport
High-res in Zbrush
Hi-res and polypaint in Zbrush
Wish it had a little more mumm-ra to it though. Like a little bandaging, or some blue in his attire.
Mumms the word.
small nitpick though, there is something bugging me with the green background, maybe its high saturation/small blur not sure. Great job again!
Xenobond - I had planned to have some flying bandages floating around his body, but the thought of making coiling bandaids in real time scared me off heh. I should pose him and do this at least in the high-res maybe.
Here are some higher-res shots:
Only comment I'd have is that his skin doesn't quite have a fleshy feel to it. Since you're saying this is from the 3dsmax viewport, I'm assuming you're using Xoliul's shader? If so, maybe try a slight red/orange ambient.
Also, if you wanna go through the trouble, in Unreal you can use a transmission material which can give a nice result for flesh. The added bonus of using Unreal is that you can take a screenshot that's larger than your resolution. So you can make a real big shot and scale it down in photoshop to get a nice AA look to it.
- BoBo
I'll agree with the shoulders being kind of choppy, also- I'd like to see how it looks in something like marmoset, you should try that out.
Saves a whopping 24 polygons too!
You might also want to check your alphamaps, or the engine - the transparency is acting up.
Bigjohn - For this guy i tried out a new viewport shader I came across called "3-pont shader". I'll have to try getting it into Unreal also and see what I can come up with. thanks for the suggestion and crit!
stimpack, OrganizedChaos - I definitely agree on the shoulders. I need to get into a habit of adding more polys to personal work. Production work has made me too timid with poly budgets heh.
Bobo_the_seal - thanks! I love your work (when I can find new stuff!! - get posting!)
frell - haha!
Snader - good idea on the wings. For transparency - I couldn't get the 3ds max viewport to show clean alphas. They seem to be interfering with the background. I need to look more into this.