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My hand, Shacknews

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
Rather than throw this in my "dudes, ow" thread I thought I'd make a new one. This is a tiny update on my hand, but also just me pimping out another fun community - the guys and gals of Shacknews. Before my injury, I was playing Minecraft nightly with a group of people. One of them found out where I worked and sent me an awesome care package.

Skip to the 5 minute mark to see my hand as it is now, or watch the whole thing for sappy chatter.


Here's a direct copy/paste of what I had to say to the Shack community regarding this little package -

A while ago, I posted about a cooking fire my wife and I had at our apartment. The results were a destroyed kitchen and bathroom while the rest of the place was ruined by heavy grease smoke damage.

My wife had slight smoke inhalation while I received 3rd degree burns on my hand, and 2nd degree burns on my wrist and arm. You can see that thread here:


Prior to the burn, I was playing a lot of Minecraft on Merc’s server. I, along ArticFox, Xevo and a couple of others orchestrated the construction of that servers Waterpark. From this, I did a lot of talking over Teamspeak with those guys and got to know them outside of their Shack name/posts in latest chatty. As time went on, ArticFox and I got to know each other pretty well outside of what we were building next in Minecraft.

Today was my first day back at work. A few weeks ago, just after the fire, ArticFox had asked me via SM if he could send me a care package. Not really knowing many of you from Shack, nor really having someone I’ve never met before send me stuff, I thought my work address would be best. Well, that and my apartment was no longer my home (I now reside in a temporary condo until we find a new place to live.)

Since I had nearly 3 weeks of work, I just received the package today. And.. its amazing. There was a letter inside that was for my wife and I that really touched us. How could a ‘stranger’ be so kind and thoughtful to us? After all, we were doing nothing short of playing with Lego together.

What I received is very similar to a White Elephant - something we’re all familiar with. Rather than take photos of the unboxing, I thought I’d do a video as its easier for me to do then navigate this tiny Notebook.

As I will be for the next few weeks, please enjoy:


I’ve been around Shack for a while now, a few years anyway, and a part of many communities in my 10+ years as an active INTERNET USER. Not once has something been so thoughtful to me and I really wanted to let you guys know about it. No one will appreciate this like you guys will.

ArticFox... Brett, from my wife and I we want to say thank you for these gifts. They’ve made our evening one of the best in the past few weeks. From me personally I wanted to say - You’re a hell of guy.


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