I tried searching for this, but couldn't find it. Shoot me if there's already a thread.
I think this looks like a hugely promising game. The style is so crisp and beautiful, and the environments give me sort of a Shadow of the Colossus vibe. I very much enjoyed Flower from the same company, so this is exciting.

TBA 2011, so I'm hoping that means early 2011.
"Certainly, we have seen people leave penises on the sand."
Seems like a winner.
They often felt more like toys than games, and the time I spent with them was minimal. Would be very nice to see the same efficient visual communication expanded to create a more rich experience.
Looks beautiful, too
As for flower being more toy than game, that might be true. I found myself enjoying that simplicity though, it was very relaxing playing it without any demands on having to perform to my utmost abilities.
I'm in love with everything about this.
The game looks amazing
It looks like a beautiful, zen experience. I do wonder how well it'll work as a co-operative game. I guess if you can find a good friend to play with who has a similar mindset to yourself it could potentially work, but the drifting, aimless gameplay seem like they may be more suited to a single player experience where you're not tied to the whims of another.