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[Portfolio] – Aline Gladh, Concept Artist

Hi there!

My name is Aline Gladh. I'm a swedish freelance concept artist/illustrator, all new to Polycount. I'm looking forward to get critique and loads of inspiration from you guys and hopefully I can help someone else too!

If you would like to check out my portfolio you can find it here:


Also check out my one year long self portrait project:

365 self portraits in 365 days

Work not posted on the website will probably show up at my deviantart, and also I will be posting some WIPs here on polycount!




  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    Somehow all your chars all has the same cheekbones, your pics are quite small. Good luck!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Some really nice stuff. Interesting challege you did, draw yourself for a whole year. Have you tried branching out to environments just to diverse your portfolio up a bit?
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Man, I really enjoy your 365 self potraits idea. And they are vary so much. Very interesting stuff.
  • achillesian
    white website background, IM BLINDD!
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    Hey, I just looked thorough some of your stuff, not all of it, but i tend to find you draw too many of the same faces, vofff mentioned you have the same cheekbones, and i feel the same.

    other then that I'm digging the 365 idea, I hope you dont mind If i do that in the future : )
    stuff looks great ^_^ keep going !
  • bloodmoon
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    bloodmoon polycounter lvl 8
    I looked though your 365 project and portfolio. I like your style very much and enjoy watching the 365 project the most of the two. The project gives me a lot of an "diary" feeling of "how do I feel today" and thats nice. Welcome to Polycount ^_^

    God Jul och Gott nytt
  • thealine
    @ vofff: Yes, you're right about the cheekbones! Thnx for pointing it out! Yeah, the website won't let me make the pictures bigger, thinking of changing it into a blog-based website instead.

    @ haiddasalami: Thnx! :) Yes I'm totaly thinking of loads of stuff to put in my portfolio, like robots, monsters, more men and environments. I'm getting bored of girls ;P

    @ ErichWK: Thanks for checking it out! Glad u like it!

    @ Jungsik: Yes, that's true. I tend to do that with my personal work. I will absolutely stop drawing the same faces! ;D Cool that u like the 365 idea, I would not mind at all. I was inspired by Andrew Jones's 365 project (there's a link to his portraits on my 365blog).

    @ bloodmoon: Thnx for checking it out! :) Yeah that's the fun part, trying to draw an event or my mood. It's nice to start or end days with it too. Thnx for the welcome! God Jul och Gott Nytt
  • thealine
    I sat down last evening and drew alot of different faces cuz after your critique that confirmed what I saw too It really annoyed me that I have got stuck in this :P So here's my new sketchbook thread with the face studies! Please tell me if I still draw the same faces! :)

  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Man, those are great! You're really good at capturing different styles and themes! And it's also good that you can quickly realize when you're running into a cliche and then turn it around so fast into something different!
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    Nice stuff. Someone else mentioned practicing environments, which made me think of this link. Worth a read, especially for an aspiring concept artist. Good luck!

  • thealine
    @ErichWK: Thank you! :D I'll try my best to not slip back into old habbits now ;)

    @kaoticvisions: Thnx! Yeah, I've actually already started practicing it, but I'm having quite a hard time getting the inspiration since I'm not used to it, but hopefully I'll figure it out. Thnx for the link, very helpful!
  • thealine
    Practicing environments, please check it out and give me some critique! :)http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79006
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Welcome to Polycount! Great work! :)

    I also really like your 365 days of 365 self portrait blog :) Definitely a really awesome idea.
    I was also checking out your Sketchbook thread you linked here. Really loving those face studies! However, I think you'll need to work from a lot of good reference images for backgrounds to really get that rocking like your characters!

    Best of luck!
  • thealine
    @Mezz: Hi! Thank you for the welcome! :D Yes I think so to, using good refs. I have a good reference photo for that one, but wanted to add something more, hence the temple. I think I will remove the character too so I can focus better on the environment. Thnx for the critique and for checking out my blog and threads!
  • Spitfire
  • thealine
    @Spitfire: Hehe thnx knasapa! :)

    Ok so here's a new one! It's not like me to paint men, but I really like it! I'm working on some new environments too but they are far from done.

  • hunt3r
    Can't argue with your drawing skills although I think that the website is WAAAAY to bright, and well it is like a flashbang when sitting in a dark room^^
    and btw, God Jul :D
  • thealine
    @hunt3r: Hahahaha my website isn't nerd-proof? ;P I have plans for a new blog-based website, that one will not be just white, promise ;) Thnx for the comment and God Jul! :D
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    love the faces. very expressive.
  • thealine
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    You seem much more comfortable in traditional mediums than when working in a digital format. Your linework on your faces especially is pretty solid and you seem to be able to get what you're going for there.

    I would try to branch out a bit more, though. Your bodies tend to be weaker than your faces, and your digital stuff seems to lack the experience of your traditional works as a whole. I think you'd benefit a lot from working more with bodies (more motion, fun perspective!), and practicing a better grasp on rendering. At the moment most noticeably your digitals seem to lack that finishing polish. Basework is there but it feels really soft, and lacking in color - almost like it stopped at a middle ground, below is an example of a few things I think could really help.


    Sharpened it up a bit, brightened it up (in places), gave it some more color in places (as initially his face looked like it was made up of roughly the same colors as his shirt, etc).

    Anyway there's my $0.02, keep working. :)
  • NinthJake
    Hahah, didn't really read your post so I didn't know you were Swedish until I saw your self portraits and saw the "pepparkaka" one :P

    You have skills, I wish I could draw as well as you.
    God Jul :D
  • thealine
    @Two Listen: Wow, thnx so much for taking your time to make a minor paintover! Yes, you are so right, I am much more comfortable with traditional pencils but I do want to learn to get just as comfortable with digital mediums. It's funny that u say that, I've been saying that myself for awhile now that I'd like to draw more bodies (I drew live figure drawing once a week for a whole year some years ago and was much better and more playful with perspectives and bodies back then). And that finish you say my work lack off is also something I am struggeling with, I seem to loose interest at that stage of my paintings but I think it has got to do with me getting bored with half-bodied persons with not so fun poses, so I will absolutely try to branch out more! With this painting I wanted a more monochrome look, but also when I do use colour it seems a bit dull, I seem to be afraid of strong colours ;P I liked the more bright face, but not that you took away the shadow from his neck, or I just don't understand why, explain? :) Thnx so much for your time!

    @NinthJake: Haha well I am... u too? Thnx so much, just practise, I do! God forts
  • thealine
    I'm painting a modern soldier atm, posted it in my scrapbook. I would need some crits! http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79006
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    thealine wrote: »
    With this painting I wanted a more monochrome look, but also when I do use colour it seems a bit dull, I seem to be afraid of strong colours ;P I liked the more bright face, but not that you took away the shadow from his neck, or I just don't understand why, explain? :) Thnx so much for your time!

    I didn't take away any shadows, really. I just took the image, sharpened it a little, duplicated it as another layer, then brightened it a tad/did some color adjustments, and erased parts of that top layer that I thought were too bright. All the shadows that were there before are there now, they're just not so black. And in a (presumably indoor) setting, the shadow cast by his jawline probably wouldn't be so black.

    I did it on my work monitor (which is a total piece of crap) so the contrast might be a bit off, but I thought it might give you an idea or two.

    Speaking of monitors, be sure to make sure your monitor is properly calibrated, it's hugely important for digital painting and if it's not - that might attribute to what looks like lack of shadow (as well as for how it looked prior to the color/brightness adjustments).
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Amazing work. I'm terrible and 2D art so i have no crits, it's all great to me!
  • izu
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    izu polycounter lvl 11
    Hello Aline

    Nice to see you here. We went to the same concept art course a few years back (concept art 1 and 2 at HGO) You've done a lot of character work since then I see, looks nice indeed.

    What do you work with now? Freelancing?
  • thealine
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I didn't take away any shadows, really. I just took the image, sharpened it a little, duplicated it as another layer, then brightened it a tad/did some color adjustments, and erased parts of that top layer that I thought were too bright. All the shadows that were there before are there now, they're just not so black. And in a (presumably indoor) setting, the shadow cast by his jawline probably wouldn't be so black.

    I did it on my work monitor (which is a total piece of crap) so the contrast might be a bit off, but I thought it might give you an idea or two.

    Speaking of monitors, be sure to make sure your monitor is properly calibrated, it's hugely important for digital painting and if it's not - that might attribute to what looks like lack of shadow (as well as for how it looked prior to the color/brightness adjustments).

    Yes monitors are tricky. I usually check different monitors at different computers before I send anything away, but yes, calibrating it would probably be the best. Thnx for your time with that pic :)
  • thealine
    Amazing work. I'm terrible and 2D art so i have no crits, it's all great to me!

    Haha aweh :P Thanks!
  • thealine
    izu wrote: »
    Hello Aline

    Nice to see you here. We went to the same concept art course a few years back (concept art 1 and 2 at HGO) You've done a lot of character work since then I see, looks nice indeed.

    What do you work with now? Freelancing?

    Yeah, Hi! I remember you! :) Yes, characters are my thing although I want to draw other stuff to. ;)

    We should cath up at skype sometime!
  • thealine
    Hello u guys! I haven't been around here at Polycount for a while but I have made a new website though! Hope u like this one better that the earlier white one!

    Please check it out here and tell me what u think:

    and don't fogett that I'm still keeping up my 365 portraits project!

  • Spitfire
  • NoctyQ
    thealine wrote: »
    Hello u guys! I haven't been around here at Polycount for a while but I have made a new website though! Hope u like this one better that the earlier white one!

    Please check it out here and tell me what u think:
    Awweeeeessssssooome! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
    thealine wrote: »
    and don't fogett that I'm still keeping up my 365 portraits project!
    This is super cool! How long do you have left?
    I will go through all of them :\
  • thealine
    Spitfire wrote: »
    This -> awesome

    Haha tack ;P
  • thealine
    NoctyQ wrote: »
    Awweeeeessssssooome! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    This is super cool! How long do you have left?
    I will go through all of them :\

    Thank you for checking out my sites and sweet that u like them!

    They are all numbered so today's portrait was nr 198 and I'm going for 365! I think I started in august so there are some months to go. Cool that u want to check out all of them haha! :)
  • thealine
    Posting this one if you want to see how the girl in this WIP http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79006 ended up. The environment behind her in the WIP is an image of its own too but archived and not yet finished ;)


    Also I would like to tell you that I am still keeping up my 365 self portraits in 365 days project and post them all on this BLOG. Here is a sample, story behind it was a long day of playing Mortal Kombat with friends.

  • thealine
    I'm tired of so many of my paintings not getting done so I got myself a W.I.P blog for motivation and a way to study my own workflow. http://wipaline.blogspot.com/

  • thealine
    Hi there! Here's a new one. Short background story:

    The dragon stood guard of the moon stones placed in the mountain of cliffs
    until he turned into cliffs himself.
    His eyes and mind stayed focused so that he would be ready when the thieves one day
    would try to steal the stones away.

    You'll find some W.I.P pics here: http://wipaline.blogspot.com/

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