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3ds Max Scene - All props suddenly centered to world.

So a year or two ago I had to make an environment for a class of mine. I'm not sure what version of Max I made it in (thinking maybe Max 9) but I finished it and stored it away. Now I'm trying to use it as part of my graduation portfolio, but when I opened it today in Max 2011, not only are all the objects in the scene centered to the world but I am unable to transform them.

My selection isn't locked and the objects aren't frozen or anything as I can still select them, so I'm really at a loss for an answer as to what's going on. I can move the objects if I select them as an element in Edit Poly, so I'm sure I'll be able to copy them or detach it from itself as a copy or something and rearrange everything (which will be kind of a pain) but that still doesn't give me an answer as to what happened or why. Just hoping somebody can shed a little light on the issue for me so I can try to avoid it in the future. Thanks in advance guys!


  • Mcbiskit
    Figured it out, and boy do I feel silly. I forgot I had modeled all the props in their own files and the scene was referencing them. I was skipping over the message about it thinking it was just looking for textures. I tracked down the original files and reopened the scene all was as it should be.

    I did find it curious, tho, that even tho the references couldn't be found the objects were still in the scene. I would have thought they'd just be missing.
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