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Root Golem

polycounter lvl 13
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Crimsonfox polycounter lvl 13
Working on a project to improve my texturing skills and create a nice piece in general.


All credit goes to him for the concept, I'm just making the model off of it.

There are some little bits of stuff I still need to fix like the trunk at the front and some of the angles on the roots on the back. Here's some screens of where I'm up to. Gonna start sculpting soon.


Criticism welcome!


  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    looks good so far! will you be zbrushing this?
  • Crimsonfox
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    Crimsonfox polycounter lvl 13
    Yup that's going to be next. I've spent a little too long fiddling with the geometry and I still haven't quite got it to where I want but I can always change it later. :P
  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    don't worry too much about getting everything how you want to be in the final product, its a lot easier to tweak and pull in zbrush (in my opinion) than in a standard modeling app. just focus on getting somewhat evenly distributed quads, and you'll be golden. the way it sits now, your gonna have some trouble with pinching
  • Crimsonfox
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    Crimsonfox polycounter lvl 13
    Cheers for the feedback Mike, here's a update on my sculpting. Need to add some gnarled-ness to the roots at the moment and break up the lines on them. The third image shows off the sculpt the best (BRP + AO) and the 1st is what my low poly is looking like, much better form I think due to the sculpting but it may need a little tweaking, but shouldn't be much. Also thinking of thinning out the legs a little so it's closer to the concept, they possibly bulge to much but I'm undecided.

    4th image is there cause I think it looks cool. :P




  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    You seem to have a very organized workflow for what could easily turn into an absolute mess of a model to deal with in zbrush. I'm most interested in seeing how you end up UV'ing and texturing this, definitely keep posting as you proceed.

    If I had a main critique, it's that this doesn't look like a character. I'm barely reading a face into the front of the creature. I'm not sure how intentional that was, but if you hadn't told us what it is, I would have just as easily guessed "giant root sphere". I would suggest a volume difference between the roots that compose his face and his legs, everything just blends together at the moments. Perhaps this can be helped in the texturing process, but be careful of getting so far and realizing you are unable to clarify it as a piece.

    Good work man.
  • Crimsonfox
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    Crimsonfox polycounter lvl 13
    Heh you should of seen it to begin with, wasn't organised at all, I thought "Oh I'll start with a Zsketch cause I haven't done one of those before.....damn."

    I can see what you mean about defining the character of it, and I think making the eyes somewhat bigger might help which I was planning to do but I'll see what I can do with the proportions. Currently seeing if it's worth getting a bit of sculpt detail on the foliage areas to be worth it or just to push it through on the diffuse.

    And I've already got a semi-finished UV done. It's not final as I want to overlay a lot of the stuff in the bottom right but I was just leaving them there for the sake of the normal for now so I have a good range of samples to choose from to create some variation.

  • Crimsonfox
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    Crimsonfox polycounter lvl 13
    Almost final sculpt because I noticed the eyes had squished a little as I uploaded. >.> I've thinned the legs a little so they weren't pop-eye bulging and brought the eyes up and made them bigger. Last bit on the eyes and then I'm going to knock out a quick polypaint then I can start on the diffuse.

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