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Movies. Continue, Remake or Enough already!

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Stinger88 polycounter
As with the "Game series you wish had continued, and those you wish hadn't." thread

This thread asks. Which movies/series do you think should have continued, should be remade or which movies do you think have had far too many sequels.

Continue: The Riddick series. Great concepts and awesome original ideas.

Remake: Robot Jox. The greatest acting ever by mankind ;P , and mechs kicking ass.

Enough already: American Pie. How many sequels, and they get worse each time.


  • edoran89
    Continue: I agree with Riddick, If I had to pick one I would say Die Hard, wouldn't mind another one : D .

    Remake: Would love to see Best Wars get remade with some awesome 3D or Reboot!

    Enough already: Horror remakes, Texas Chainsaw massacre, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elmstreet.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    The good thing about the film industry is that it's not as dependent on franchises as games are thanks to the director-brand model.So I can't really complain.

    Hollywood should stop with all those superhero flicks, though. And Saw. And Scary/Epic/Whatever Movie. And Fast and Furious. And Twilight.

    And for the love of god. Stop with that Dreamworks face
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Hollywood should stop with all those superhero flicks, though. And Saw. And Scary/Epic/Whatever Movie. And Fast and Furious. And Twilight.

    there's just nothing to add to that.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I'd be happy to see a summer blockbuster that isn't based on a comic book, an older movie, a 80s child cartoon, or a novel.

    But then again I wouldn't have anything to watch.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    The good thing about the film industry is that it's not as dependent on franchises as games are thanks to the director-brand model.So I can't really complain.

    Hollywood should stop with all those superhero flicks, though. And Saw. And Scary/Epic/Whatever Movie. And Fast and Furious. And Twilight.

    And for the love of god. Stop with that Dreamworks face

  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    Remake: Robot Jox. The greatest acting ever by mankind ;P , and mechs kicking ass..

    No. Do what they should have done originally and what I thought Robot Jox was before I actually saw it and was waaaay dissappointed. A Mechwarriors movie.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I agree. Mechwarrior should have its own movie. It has been rumoured they are doing one.

    but Robot Jox would be great redone as well.


    I should have added to the thread. MAKE: movies you'd like them to make. soo.

    Make: Speedball the movie. That could be awesome!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Continue: Riddick

    Reboot: Robocop

    Enough already: James Bond

    Make: Monkey Island
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    I too would love to see a MechWarrior movie.

    I've always been interested in seeing the last two unfilmed story acts of M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable made into a movie; back when he used to make good films that is.

    Reboot: James Bond back in the 1960's

    Enough Already: Indiana Jones and Star Wars
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    hawken wrote: »
    Enough already: James Bond


    I have to agree with Riddick, but I refuse to echo it once more in this thread...

    Continue: Evil Dead (more 1 and 2 than 3), also...they can continue to make Die Hard until the day I die. I'll watch every one.

    Reboot: Firefly/Serenity or Star Trek (a real reboot this time, not that Enterprise CRAP)

    Enough Already: Twilight

    edit: I couldn't agree more about Unbreakable, Paul. Hands down one of my favorite flicks.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Continue: Movies based on Graphic Novels

    Reboot: Transformers

    Enough already: Pirates of the Caribbean

    Make: The Belgariad
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Unbreakable 2 is on the cards


    EDIT: I just realised thatsd from 2001. But I heard rumour recently about it. Will see what I can find

    ah. Here's more on it. Its still a possibility.

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    - The Incredibles <--- Oh god for the love of all that is holy please god make this happen.
    - 28 _____ Later (I don't care what you assholes think, 'Weeks' was awesome too.

    Cowboy Bebop (Evangelion Rebuild style)

    Enough Already:
    Anything Xmen related. X3 was awful, Wolverine was awful, that universe is destroyed. Redo it as a TV show or something, but stop ruining the legacy of 2 great movies.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    - The Incredibles <--- Oh god for the love of all that is holy please god make this happen.
    - 28 _____ Later (I don't care what you assholes think, 'Weeks' was awesome too.

    Cowboy Bebop (Evangelion Rebuild style)

    Enough Already:
    Anything Xmen related. X3 was awful, Wolverine was awful, that universe is destroyed. Redo it as a TV show or something, but stop ruining the legacy of 2 great movies.

    like you stole the words out of my mouth :)

    But id like to add

    Enough Already:
    Resident Evil movies. They are just terrible and ruin the Res Evil credit.
  • PixelMasher
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    hawken wrote: »
    Reboot: Robocop

    They are, I rember hearing about it going into pre-production/production a little while ago.

    I would like to see a good indiana jones sequel, or maybe a sequel to Layer Cake.

    I generally hate reboots/remakes, those need to end.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Continue -
    -anything Pixar :)....except cars :( ....dammit!!!!
    -Riddick would be awesome too
    -would absolutely love a blade runner sequel,
    -Harry Potter (I LOVE IT!!!!!!! start writing again Mrs J K Rowling)

    Remake -

    DIE -
    -Avatar last airbender
    -Resident evil
    -Uwe Boll (with a sledge hammer to the face)
    -Dreamworks, had enough of famous voices being above a good story.
    -Tim Burton remakes (just fuck off) Charlie and the chocolate factory and alice in wonderland were really poo, and Sweeney Todd was killed by all the singing (I know its a musical but leave it at the west end). And stop making johnny depp the sequels already :poly118:
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    crazyfool wrote: »
    -Avatar last airbender

    The live action Movie, or the Cartoon series, or both?

    Btw, I thought they were already working on another "28 days" movie?
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Continue: Taken. I enjoyed that film far too much, and I think I need another dose of Liam Neeson going Bronson on people.

    Remake: Starship Troopers. That was a nice campy film, but far off the mark. The book is admittedly a longwinded political thesis, but if you can read the first chapter without envisioning the most awesome action sequence put on film then you are just a sad person. I have to say it would be one of my dreams to make that fight scene come to life, but if someone does it before me and gives Starship Troopers the right treatment the all the better.

    Kill: Alien franchise. Please, don't rape it any more. Let the first two films just stand and forget the rest.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Rwolf wrote: »
    The live action Movie, or the Cartoon series, or both?

    sorry, the movie, the cartoon series is one of my all time favourites. Me and my lady walked out of the cinema within about 20 minutes as it was just terrible. we have watched it since at home and my god!!! its as if he hasnt watched the tv series and got some guy to just list plot points from each episode and made it fit 90 minutes.

    I would love them to continue the cartoon though. definetly not a movie though!!!
  • SanderDL
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    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7
    Final destination should have never had any sequels. And also Saw should stop.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, Robot Jox... That takes me back. I was glued to the TV for that one... A big budget version is sooo needed. I agree on Riddick as well. Just because the second film missed the mark, it doesn't mean there isn't a whole world on stuff to use. Hell, at this point I would pay good money to see a version of Butcher Bay.

    On the whole "die" side of things, christ on a bike, Resident Evil... Just let it die. You know they are remaking it? Only, they are remaking it WRONG again? Seriously, who the hell greenlights this pap, just put a few STARS members in a mansion and have it end in a huge fight scene in a lab... BANG. End credits. Fans rejoice, money is made...
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    28 _____ Later (I don't care what you assholes think, 'Weeks' was awesome too.

    28 months later is in development. But I have to say 28 weeks was pretty bad. Loved 28 Days though.

  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    I agree. Mechwarrior should have its own movie. It has been rumoured they are doing one.

    Hmm then THAT doesnt bode well. Might be as dumb as Robot Jox then with this guy...

    "Writer Michael Gordon is rumored to be drafting a Mechwarrior script. Gordon is no stranger to big, explosive Hollywood conventions, as he penned the screenplay for 300 and came up with the story for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra"

    Do you really want that guy to be writing a script for a Sci Fi movie with the depth and history/lore that the Battletech universe has? Or will he just throw it to the lowest common denominator with crappy dialog and passe plot?

    I forgot in my original post.

    Kill: Transformers.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Hmm then THAT doesnt bode well. Might be as dumb as Robot Jox then with this guy...

    Robot Jox wasn't dumb! It was 80's terribleness at it greatest. And the animation was very nearly as good as Harryhausen. There was also Arena and Crash n Burn which were made by the same people. All terrible 80's awesomeness.

    ok. new list, I thought up a few more

    Continue: Kung Fu Hussle. Need moar!

    Remake: The Running man. but they'll never find a new Arni to fit the role. Those days a gone.

    Enough: "movie" movies. Scary movie, meet the spartans, another teen movie, disaster movie, etc

    Make: Nemesis the Warlock
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