I remember being told before that one of the reasons the fog in Silent Hill was used was because it limited the view of the player which meant less rendering, enhancing the performance of the game which was an issue.
However I have no way of knowing whether this was a cited source and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I have tried google, it would just be a useful point to include in my dissertation that I am halfway through. I would be grateful of any help.
The flower and the shadow of it fade in and out of view with some sort of blend map. And the Unreal engine offers distance fog too. Beware: that's actually Unreal engine 2, not 3.
It's interesting to note though - whereas in the 90's distance fog was purely for optimization, currently it has two implementations:
-one that is aimed at optimization, and is used just to cull polygons.
-one that is aimed at realism, by simulating atmospherical effects, and can actually cost more resources because of complex effect and little culling.
Thank You!
I remember Carmageddon using something similar, but it was pure darkness.