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Help Out a Student

I am a student in my final year at university and am doing my final year project on Rigging. As part of my research I am trying to find out what animators like / dislike about rigs. If anyone is able to spend 5 minutes answering my questionnaire it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone has a rigging wish list they wouldn't mind sending me or wants to send me there answers confidentially my email address is ov000299@student.staffs.ac.uk

Name: ____________________________________


Job Title: __________________________________

What program do you use to animate?


What makes a Rig difficult to work with?


What are the key aspects of a good Rig?


What is the most common thing you’ve had to send a rig back to riggers for?


What particular aspects of a rig make your job as an animator easier?


How long would expect a rig to be set up after a mesh has been modeled?


How common do you come across Gimbal Lock?


Do you have a bone limit on your rigs?

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