Hey all,
Is there any way to effectively parameterize panners within UDK materials?
The Time slot on the node only refers to starting point. Any sort of math operations that I've tried to the left of the node seems to effect only the texture coordinate data and not the movement speed data.
Thanks again
i was wondering if there was a way to parametertize the panners Speed in the X and Y. Say if in the material instance you wanted to control the direction the UVs were panning.
I know this works when controlling UV scale for Texture Coord Nodes, but haven't tried it for panners.
I think the only feasible way would be to actually use two panners, one panning on X and another one Y. You could mask each one accordingly and then append those together.
Once you've got that setup you can just make each component a parameter. Or add extra nodes to control whatever you want.
I use this to place "decals" (like a graffiti for example) to my material. I know udk have its own decal system, but this is better if I want to use a decal on a vertexblending material (like plaster goes to bricks) where the normalmap can be different at some places.