I making a prop which is covered in foliage, mostly leafs. And its my 1st time creating any type of vegitation. Editing a photo reference seems the quickiest and handiest way for creating the foliage, but does sculpting the leaf out in zbrush and polypainting it give greater results?
I also have a question about alphas in 3DS Max, I have a hard time placing the leafs correctly as max doesnt seem to show the alpha in the viewport. I tried using the DX Shader, and enabling alpha but get crazy errors. Is there any way of showing the alpha correctly in the viewport?
edit: sorry musta skimed the part about the errors... apologies and good luck!
Heres an image of what I mean, Max is on the left and UDK on the right. Im using the same textures for both, but get errors just when viewing them in max. Im also using Max 2011.
You might be right. I've ran into problems with the DX Shader before as well, were enabling it would turn the model invisible.