Welp, being about seven months from graduation and going out into that nice, big, disastrous world out there, I probably should have started this sooner. Better late than never, so I'll toss a few bits up for critique and when I get ahold of a home computer that doesn't blue screen or overheat everytime I use it, I'll put even more.

First up, your typical goblin critter, conceptualized by a classmate for a group class awhile back. Redid the texture for a new class.
Not too much to say about this one. It's nearly a year old now, but a professor told me I should touch it up anyways. Looking back on it, there's a ton of things I probably could have fixed, such as what feels like way too many polys in the legs, etc.

Posted this here in one of the low poly challenge threads:

Finished this a couple of weeks ago for a class; character conceptualized, modeled, textured, et al by me, currently in progress on another similar project (will post when completed).

First, two projects I've been working on for the last couple of months. The faces for both are... less than satisfactory, so I'll be doing alot of face studies for awhile.
Currently, I'm working on a design I posted already in the "What are you working on?" thread. I think this one is coming alot nicely (design is by a friend). :]
Comments and critique definitely welcome. oAo
Doing some anatomy study. Fiance demanded I model the penis.
Critique welcome, and I'll be posting up normals/hair soon!