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New Terra: 3d Browser(non flash) game

I am looking for a small hand full of artists that are willing to work on a project. Right now the project is just a blank slate. Mainly due to the fact I am not a 2d or 3d artist.

Who is needed;
2d Artist(s)
3d Artist(s)
Concept Artist(s)
Sound Effects Engineer(s)

This is going to be a browser based game that is being developed with

webgl/C3DL*(Graphics Engine),

* = C3DL is subjected to change.

If you do not know what WebGL, then you must google it. It allows 3d in WebGL Enabled browsers. If you are viewing this in IE, just forget it, not till IE9 will you be able to view it. This will also use the C3DL engine for rapid game development. WebGL is just starting to get on its feet and with in a couple years will be brought to its fruitfulness with the new browsers being able to run it just fine.

Now, about the project.

The project is a simple one. I want to make a single player diablo styled game. Using the top view and such but a non demonic based game. The game is set on mars some thousands of years past today. Earth is a molten ball of fire due to the sun that has super nova'ed into a white dwarf. Mars is now hospitable and is completely terraformed.

There is alot more detail to the story than this I just do not want to go into great detail on a public forum. Right now I have a few whiteboard "maps" laid out but nothing serious as far as graphics. The main characters are Three brothers and a Sister who own a farm and have one farm hand. They are basic crop farmers and nothing more till an event happens that the sister is killed and two of the brothers are injured by a gang which is apart of a larger organization. There is a detailed story that me and a friend are working on which is currently being transcribed.

We will be working via dropbox for project files. Each member will get access to their own folder as not to conflict with any other member. More detail will be added as it is completed or available.
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