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Laser Pistol - need feedback on design

polycounter lvl 8
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JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
I would like to know if this gun is appealing to anyone or if I should scrap it and come up with something new. Or any changes people might have would be great too.

Here's the quick concept sketch, still a few things to add and finish.



  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
  • jackalope
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    jackalope polycounter lvl 11
    It is appealing to me, although parts of it seem to be fighting for what the style is trying to be. some of the nice curve, smooth parts say sci-fi. some of the fan, pipe parts say steampunkish. I like both elements on their own, but im not sure if they are forming a cohesive whole. Hope this helps, props for the originality.
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    Very helpful, thanks for the feedback jack. Based on what you mentioned I may end up just splitting it into two separate guns.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    I don't know how serious / realistic you want to present it (the design is really cool, and definitely has a very fantasy flair to it), but the first thing I see from a practical standpoint is that all somebody would have to do is grab that and twist it to absolutely shatter the shooter's wrist.

    Honestly going off of the feel of the design you have, I don't get the impression that's something worth worrying about unless it really bugs you.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    I really love the handle and the sleep design you got going around the back, then it kind of died, really cool concept though! keep going with it i think it will turn out :D
  • M1sterCG
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    Oh Lordy! That is one amazing gun! Reminds me of Fallout 3 plasma pistol. By the way, what's the practical application of the behind-handle part, is it as awesome as it looks? =)
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    Garage, it's definitely on the fantasy side of things. It's funny though you bring up a good point. In my head I was like awe man this thing can go here and it will add support for the heavy front of the pistol and I bet make it harder to knock out of his hand, but easier to break his wrist it seems. haha, oh well I do like it and maybe I can add support for the arm, it could latch into something and make twisting it impossible.

    Jung, the back is a part of the original design, I changed it to make it less boring from a fps standpoint and I do believe I went the wrong way with it. I'm going to revisit the original drawing and try to incorporate more of the back end into the front while keeping it interesting. I may just chop the front off, I have an idea in my head I'm going to give a try.

    M1s, haha thanks man, gives me a little hope for this thing, that back part was meant for wrist support as the gun was supposed to be fairly heavy, it's still missing the cushion parts. I may end up adding a piece to the arm that could attach when the gun is upholstered adding extra support.
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    Alright quick update, took a lot of the suggestions and went with a more sci fi for the first gun. Plan to turn around and do the other one at a later date. It's not finished, still have at least one more day of work, have some parts that have to be zbrushed as well.


    So now my question is, which trigger? I'm leaning toward the first image. It's just stuck in there at the moment I'll model a new one.

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    I like the finger guard on the trigger. One without the guard is less distinguishable as a gun I guess.

    The new model is really smooth and I think has a great cohesive look, everything fits tight and clean. Very sci-fi.

    The old one is deffinately on the steampunk side. More throw together, less cohesive 'I use what I got steampunk'. Like the build was saying, I got one of these, and this will do for that part...
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