Hey guys i have a question on using custom textures but still use mental ray shaders, in 3ds Max.
This is for a final for one of my classes in college..advanced materials and lighting. Our final was to model a mechanical bug and render it nicely.
i chose to do the crab guy from star wars!
first here's my model:
Now what im trying to accomplish is to get silver tips on this guys scales like in this concept:
So heres what im trying to do:
where the red is, i want that to be chrome/silver and fade into the orange..but i want it to look scratched up.
How exactly would i go about doing all that?
would i unwrap it, texture it like that and somehow throw those 2 materials in the right spots? idk -_-
p.s. heres a student example of how i will be rendering it.
This is the works of Andres Rivera:
I just unwrapped it, textured it and used mental ray shaders.
These are my renders:
I know this is the Technical Talk section and not Pimping and Previews, so just throwing a suggestion out there.
Depending on the look you are going for it might be a good idea to use a separate gloss/specular power map/material to help visually separate the gray and orange surfaces from each other.
Right now the way the specular highlight rolls over the scales they look as though they are made of exactly the same material rather than one being shiny and the other being worn down and scratched up like you had originally planned.
Either way nice model
and I still wanted to show the results.
Thats true about the scales having a different material, didn't even think about that.
Thank you for your cNc's!
You may be able to control it with the falloff shader and use a custom alpha to control it? Just an idea to play with
nice stuff dude. The material could use some work, but I like it overall.