Excuse me while I go drown myself for having ANY bit of hope left for Hollywood....
They couldn't have got the casting any more wrong. Hey, I like Pecci and Deniro and sure, they would be great in this film. But wheres this whole "Drakes Dad/Uncle" thing come from? They pretty much took one of the best storylines in a game this generation and stuck two fingers up at it. No Sully love either...?
It really boggles the mind, but at the same time, I knew I was reaching asking for Nathan Fillion in the role... Meh, oh well, at least we have Uncharted 3 news soon hopefully...
Fillion is terrible. I liked Firefly and all... but no.
I find it more worrying that DeNiro seems to be finding it impossible to get any good roles any more.
and i actually like mark wahlberg as an actor much more than as a singer.
he was pretty damn good in departed and huckabees imho.
in short, i'm fine with the cast for this movie
The trouble isnt that hes not good, its that "Drake" is so, so not "him". Its totally miscast. Also, with DeNiro, they have a possible contender for a really good Sully, yet they totally miscast him as his Dad...
It just goes to show that Hollywood, even when presented with an amazing story in a kick ass setting with fantastic characters, will STILL fuck it up... If there can't be a decent Uncharted movie (Which is, lets face it, Indy for a new generation) then there is zero hope of any game ever making a decent transition into film. Ever.
"Could be worse - could be Uwe Boll directing. Look on the bright side
The amount Hateroraide is strong here lol. Mainly because the director is a moron who plans to change the story up a ton when Uncharted is one of the only few good story video games. Also Marky Mark isnt funny, Nathan Drake is. Should have been Fillion IMO.
The movie is gonna suck no matter who they cast.
When they start thinking of videogames as a meaningful medium, and not some silly kids toy, we might get some decent movies then.
Took Comic Books a longer to get their first good movies.
I thought that the storytelling in Uncharted 1+2 was very good for a videogame, but as a standalone narrative it's no more than an enjoyable derivative of the movies that the games were inspired by (Indiana Jones etc.). I think it's the novelty of even functional storytelling in a game that makes people think that it's more impressive than it actually is. It was the same with Heavy Rain - more involved plots and characterisation than your average game, but if it's turned into a movie it becomes just another hackneyed Seven rip-off.
To be honest, I'm much more interested in the 'narrative' that the player creates through his actions than endless cutscenes - no matter how well scripted, acted and shot - attempting to ape Hollywood movies.
How about we wait for the actual film to come out before we pass judgment on it? Many people thought Heath Ledger was miscast as the Joker when he was announced.
Its movie mistakes 101, and so far, this is making them all.
This is saying pretty much everything I was going to say.
I feel that games do a great job of describing fantastic worlds. But as individual stories in and of themselves, not so much. But it's like that in everything really. For every Batman or Superman, how many random comic books are there that have a derivative boring story? Likewise for books, there's a ton of garbage novels out there that have *stewie voice* beginning middle and end, some friends become enemies some enemies become friends, etc.
For a movie like this, if it's anywhere as good as the original Mortal Kombat movie, I'll be happy.
If you have no expectations then you can't be disappointed
In other words. Ignorance is bliss?
I have a theory:
Hollywood makes so many bad movies based on games because there's so many bad games based on movies.......
agreed. aren't almost all male video game heroes in western games based on affleck's look anyway?
marky mark is certainly entertaining. so are the stories about the apparent maniac who will be directing this. worth checking out!
... and Mark Wahlberg as one of the bad guys.
I have a hard time seeing Wahlberg pull that off. Seems like his element is more along the lines of standard Angry Badass McSerious.
"The game was better than the movie."
"The soundtrack was the best part of the movie."
For an industry that pulls in so much cash and throws around so much clout they suck at besting other forums of media and at time, even itself...
"Did you see the original?"
"Wait?! What!? This was a remake?"
"Yea the original was way better."