this is a building ive designed and Im having some lighting issues with udk. getting some strange shadows when I light map. Im not sure if it is because of my light map uv set or what the issue might be.
also if its not to bright for you all would love some cc on what you guys think of the design
I don't know what to say about the lighting, but I think the structures all look too chaotic and random. I understand what you're going for, but I, personally, would tone it down a bit.
Hey all I got back to this and fixed my lighting issues with the building the only issue now is the trees but ill be fixing that on monday since Im not at home to use udk
Disting: haha yeah calatrava is def an inspiration for my architectural design but Im a bit more interested in algorithmic architecture and design
some architects that inspire me that use this methods are UN studio, Morphosis,and NEIL M. DENARI ARCHITECTS
I also use for inspiration
the structure of the building it self is quite a bit more simple then it seems
the base is constructed the same way you would create elevated high and the building is build from a simple steel frame
as always would love thoughts and opinions
hope you guys like it
I like the concept, it's definitely pretty different from a lot of stuff you see these days and with some fine tuning I think it could make a really standout piece. Depending on your budget, I feel like some of the edges could do with some bevels or at least more smoothing so they aren't quite so sharp. I also think some of the foliage textures could be cleaned up and some variation in their colors would help. I dig the little human scale planes, it's a nice architectural touch, but maybe I'd have less of them so they don't distract from the piece itself. Really looking forward to seeing this progress!
I don't know what to say about the lighting, but I think the structures all look too chaotic and random. I understand what you're going for, but I, personally, would tone it down a bit.
Disting: haha yeah calatrava is def an inspiration for my architectural design but Im a bit more interested in algorithmic architecture and design
some architects that inspire me that use this methods are UN studio, Morphosis,and NEIL M. DENARI ARCHITECTS
I also use for inspiration
the structure of the building it self is quite a bit more simple then it seems
the base is constructed the same way you would create elevated high and the building is build from a simple steel frame
as always would love thoughts and opinions
hope you guys like it