Hi Everyone,
I can't for the life of me get the new Auto Re-Import textures feature that was added in the June UDK update working.
I tried adding the following to "UDKEditorUserSettings.ini"
Found in:
The path is valid (I can type it into the explorer bar and navigate there.)
I then enabled the setting under "View->Preferences->Auto-Reimport Textures."
After that I restarted only to find the code I added to my config file had been overwritten by UDK. I can't figure out any other place to put it. Has anyone else got this working?
I'm doing all this based off the information found here:
If you edit the udkeditorusersettings, it shouldnt overwrite you ini... but try adding it to the default and see if that works.
I tried moose's suggestion, but the short pathname get converted to long ones in UdkEditorUserSettings.ini, which i guess screws things up ?