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Flintlock Pistol

polycounter lvl 7
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copyright polycounter lvl 7
Hey, guys in new to modeling ( Only been doing this for 1 month ) What do you guys think?



  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Welcome to the exciting world of 3d. In order to become a great artist you're going to have to get used to all of us tearing your work to shreds. So here goes, first things first. Your presentation sheet is incredibly unappealing. The text is taking up as much room as your prop, which visually can be intrusive. Also I would take away the whole Copyright business, it comes off as arrogant, at least to me. Now when presenting your actual model it's not a great idea to overlap them. You need to think about what reads well and is visually appeal when presenting! think about composition! If you want examples, most of us post links to our blogs/sites in our signatures. Check them out for reference.

    Now, also in presenting I recommend showing wireframes and texture sheets. It gives us a lot easier of a time figuring out where your going with for your model, and to critique your textures/normals/specs.

    Now on to the actual model. Your wooden part is reading off like leather and it is insanely glossy overall right now. Which is making everything really hard to read and see what is going on. You seem to have a real nasty seam on the bottom middle of your gun and near the handle. For doing this for 2 months it is by no means terrible... and I don't expect you to be pulling off mega quality stuff, but I can tell you have potential! Just make sure to apply all the needed changes and listen to other artists for advice!

    **edit! Upon further inspection i see your screen name is "Copyright"..but that can still lead to some confusion.
  • Sean VanGorder
    I agree with everything ErichWK said. Also, for the love of god, don't use Papyrus font. Just a warning to save you from a lot of heckling.

    Not bad at all for only starting a month ago. Keep it up :)
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    why do you need to say you modeled and textured it, isn't that assumed. there's a lack of material definition the wood and metal have pretty much the same specular and gloss which is a problem.
  • GoodDreams
    Also, I would avoid using the name of a pre-exsisting flintlock pistol to describe your model, unless you plan to make it an actual re-creation of it.

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