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Top Gear: USA

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Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
Anyone going to watch this tonight? I've got it set to record and I'm genuinely interested, but cautious. Part of me wants it to be great but another wants to see a massive train wreck, which is what most seem to expect.

I think it's generally going to have a very different feeling, even if they do copy camera shots and "challenge" type events verbatim. There's just no replacement for witty brits and their dry, dry humor.

Not to mention I flat out hate two of the USA hosts. Well okay, I could possibly tolerate the heavy set nascar dude, but the skinny bitch sounds like he's fresh out of 7th grade. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

Trying to stay optimistic, but I guess we'll see how it turns out.


  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    yes, although it is on at the same time as Walking Dead :( going to have to try to catch an encore of one of the shows.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Ninjas wrote: »
    yes, although it is on at the same time as Walking Dead :( going to have to try to catch an encore of one of the shows.

    Yeah, I had to set my DVR to record Top Gear at 11pm instead. Damn thing :|
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    set to record.
  • 00Zero
    if they just straight up copy UK top gear like the office did with the original, then i dont think i could watch it.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    00Zero wrote: »
    if they just straight up copy UK top gear like the office did with the original, then i dont think i could watch it.

    But...the American Office is way better :D
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I just like the idea for a bigger variety of cars! :P

    I've never going to see the weird euro cars they mess around with.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
  • 00Zero
    But...the American Office is way better :D

    if you saw the british version, then saw the first three seasons of the american office, they pretty much say the same jokes verbatim, same pranks, same everything, and without that special touch.

    if youve never seen the british version, then it would have been great, sure.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    uhg, couldn't get through the preview
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    That bad huh ? I couldn't finish first season of top gear Australia, and only watched 3 episodes of top gear Russia. It's the chemistry, British humour and car/motorsport culture and history that makes Top Gear what it is.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    the problem is that they showed them doing the exact same stunts...
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    I just like the idea for a bigger variety of cars! :P

    I've never going to see the weird euro cars they mess around with.

    Don't worry, we never get to see those cars either. Well, not the good ones.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Did you see the American version of red dwarf lol?
    if you saw the british version, then saw the first three seasons of the american office, they pretty much say the same jokes verbatim, same pranks, same everything, and without that special touch.

    if youve never seen the british version, then it would have been great, sure.


    Oh and personally I love top gear but dislike Jeremy Clarkson (although he is amusing at some points) it's just the whole package that makes it fun to watch. Unless they found some decent hosts for it I'm sure it will just be another car program like the countless ones on UK tv trying to emulate.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Jeremy is the best thing about Top Gear UK, he really is one of my heroes haha.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Wait?!? new top gear? I remember hearing about one that was suppose to be on ABC/NBC/CBS? or something like that with Adam Corolla as one of the host. But was canceled. What network is this on and who is the hosts?

    Can;t imagine it being nearly as good as the original.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    skylebones wrote: »
    What network is this on and who is the hosts?

    History Channel. Hosts are Tanner Foust, Rutledge Wood and Adam Ferrara. It's really not the same. Adam is the only one that doesn't bug the shit out of me.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I was wondering if this would get discussed here. All I can say, is it lived up to expectations... and that's not a good thing.

    I'm fine with them copying the BBC version, just so we can get new episodes faster, and with American cars. Unfortunately, these hosts are the most bland and boring twats they could have chosen.

    Rutledge is a f'n moron, which I already knew from watching him on NASCAR. His attempts at humor are horrible. "WAIT, STOP STOP. Did you guys have lunch yet?" Ohhh, HIIIIiilarious :|
    The other two guys had NO emotion, and their attempts at being funny also fell flat and seemed forced.

    The have a stig too... and they have no funny intro for the Stig. They just cut to him.

    And, to top things off, they start with a Dodge Viper (cool), but then move right into Lamborghinis. The SAME Lambos that the BBC version just got done covering. I know that new viewers may not have seen the BBC version, but damn, cover something new.

    If I watch this show again, it will be by mistake, or an attempt to watch a trainwreck in progress. My wife wants to see them teach the blind man how to drift, so we may watch the next one for that reason only.

    What I really hate, is I can see them canceling the show, and never revisiting an American version, rather than realizing they chose the wrong hosts.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I watched a bit of it, and it seemed soulless and forced.
  • Ludix
    Top Gear is awful these days anyway. It's all about rigged challenges and either insanely fast cars, or stupidly ridiculous ones, that nobody would want. Considering the fact that it's supposed to be a motoring review programme, it bears little relevance for the average Joe who watches it, and it simply staggers on relying on it's childish humour. God knows what the US version is like, hopefully it's a complete rehaul from our washed out UK version.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    notman wrote: »
    What I really hate, is I can see them canceling the show, and never revisiting an American version, rather than realizing they chose the wrong hosts.

    That's key right there. I love the BBC version, not because of the cars, spotlights, or challenges, but because of the hosts and their interactions. Crappy host will make a crappy show.

    Should have got Mike Rowe.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    To me, it just feels like they lack experience. I know they have it, but they are sooo young it just doesn't seem like it's authentic. Rutledge is a moron, I agree, and I think Tanner needs to hit puberty. Adam doesn't bother me, but feels like he's just there for the one liners. His car knowledge seems very textbook, no love.

    I'll give it a few more episodes. I'm hoping that the hosts warm up and fall into the roll a bit better as the season rolls on.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I don't get why everyone is expecting the chemistry and reactions between the hosts is going to be perfect right away, stop putting UK top gear on a pedestal. I agree the interactions were awkward and forced, but so is the first day of middle school.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The problem is, these shows have already been taped. So, it is not likely to improve for the next 10 weeks. I'm not even sure that these guys will relax, even 3 or 4 episodes... I hope I'm wrong.

    It's not just about the chemistry. Even individually, these guys were just BORING. I commented on their Facebook page, that I was glad it was at 10pm... it's at a good time to help me go to sleep.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Well it depends on if they filmed it episode by episode or they cut different sections together, which you never know.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    ZacD wrote: »
    I don't get why everyone is expecting the chemistry and reactions between the hosts is going to be perfect right away, stop putting UK top gear on a pedestal. I agree the interactions were awkward and forced, but so is the first day of middle school.
    Sure people should put the UK Top Gear on a pedestal:P
    Its the benchmark no?

    I dont think any other country will ever be successful when trying to recreate cult British programs (American Office being the exception to the rule)
    The humour doesnt carry so well and sounds false imho...i dunno it just always sounds fake and pushed.
    Plus allot of the time things get changed that make the show great.
    Take the Red Dwarf USA for example. They changed the music, made Lister buff and cat is a female? what the hell? :P
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Watched it, thought it was quite meh. But as is already said, it might take a few episodes to get going. But by this ep alone it's going to be canned I can feel it coming.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Ludix wrote: »
    Top Gear is awful these days anyway. It's all about rigged challenges and either insanely fast cars, or stupidly ridiculous ones, that nobody would want. Considering the fact that it's supposed to be a motoring review programme, it bears little relevance for the average Joe who watches it, and it simply staggers on relying on it's childish humour. God knows what the US version is like, hopefully it's a complete rehaul from our washed out UK version.


    Seriously, do you call yourself a gearhead at all? "Supposed to be a motoring review program"... go watch fifth gear if your just want to hear drivel about cars and not see people actually enjoying them.

    As for Top Gear USA - keep Foust (he's the only one excited to be there), polish the cinematography a bit, treat the viewers like they know WTF Top Gear is, and ditch the fat clueless hipster and the failed comedian in favor of some real car people. Rutledge has his moments, but hardly enough to justify him being there, he's usually just standing around with a clueless look on his face waiting for his queue to say another cheesy one liner. Ferrera.... just wtf, why.

    That being said, I will give the show the benefit of the doubt and watch the next few episodes, as car blog writers who've seen future episodes have said it gets better, so we will see...
  • 00Zero
    ferrerra seems like a total douchenozzle
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Ludix wrote: »
    Top Gear is awful these days anyway. It's all about rigged challenges and either insanely fast cars, or stupidly ridiculous ones, that nobody would want. Considering the fact that it's supposed to be a motoring review programme, it bears little relevance for the average Joe who watches it, and it simply staggers on relying on it's childish humour. God knows what the US version is like, hopefully it's a complete rehaul from our washed out UK version.

    Your opinion is incorrect.
  • achillesian
    Ludix wrote: »
    Top Gear is awful these days anyway. It's all about rigged challenges and either insanely fast cars, or stupidly ridiculous ones, that nobody would want. Considering the fact that it's supposed to be a motoring review programme, it bears little relevance for the average Joe who watches it, and it simply staggers on relying on it's childish humour. God knows what the US version is like, hopefully it's a complete rehaul from our washed out UK version.

    As someone who doesn't really like Top Gear, I even feel you've undersold the show's merit. I fast forward through the car reviews to get to the challenges. Where else on television can you find people traveling across countries in ancient cars with pieces that fall off, and engines that must be repaired at every turn. Or tight paint-tradin' races between motor-homes and double decker buses. This is the good stuff, this is the reason the show is so popular. Maybe the show sucks at what it used to be, but it changed a lot. If you don't like how it has changed, find another show.

    Also, I don't like clarkson either, and hammond has too much energy, I prefer mr. slow.
  • 00Zero
    just finished watching it. you know what, its not that bad. i mean, if top gear uk didnt exist, this would be a very awesome show. for now, its just good. hopefully it gets better.

    haha. Ludix is probably one of those people who sends Top Gear mail about how they should focus on real world cars.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    If I had knew nothing of the UK version, I still would not have picked up on this show. The reason I started watching the UK version, was because of seeing online videos of things, like Jeremy testing the Atom. It made me laugh, and was a unique car. His commentary was a great balance of information with humor. I can't see a video existing from the US version, that would make me feel the same way.

    If you've ever seen Road & Track Magazine's show, it is very bland and filled with technical details that make it very boring. I like to watch it at times, when there is a domestic car that I want to see details on, but it definitely doesn't have me DVR'ing it. This US show reminded me of the R&T show, but with BAD attempts at adding humor.
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