Hi everyone, i have been working with 3D some time, and now iam looking to focus on games. So, iam looking for content for the study of techniques for Fx( particles, shaders....).
Actually iam using Unity engine.
Well, for Unity specific things, try doing a search at the Unity forums. Theres a lot of junk there, but you can find some good info for doing particle systems and whatnot there.
For making shaders, are you looking to write your own? Shader FX is supposed to be a good artist friendly way to make shaders...you can check that out here: http://www.lumonix.net/shaderfx.html
For making shaders, are you looking to write your own? Shader FX is supposed to be a good artist friendly way to make shaders...you can check that out here: http://www.lumonix.net/shaderfx.html
and here
edit... and especially here