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I'm really looking forward to trying this keyboard;

polycounter lvl 11
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Yozora polycounter lvl 11
Normally I don't really care about keyboards, my current one is just a basic 104 key one with nothing fancy on it and even though I'm a huge fan of hotkeys for everything, I was never really interested in the gaming keyboards that had a bunch of useful macro-able keys.

However I just stumbled upon this!

Razer Anansi Keyboard

It has 7(!) modifier keys, and most importantly, they are moved to the thumb area!
I've always hated using my pinky finger for ctrl/shift/alt, especially when doing combinations like ctrl+g or even the very commonly used ctrl+c and ctrl+v. Look at the way your hand bends when you press those keys, it just looks wrong (and feels wrong to me, even though I've been doing it for 10 years).

It feels even more uncomfortable when either held down for longer than a couple of secs (for example, 3d viewport navigation and sprinting/crouching in FPS, which is why I boud those movement functions to my mouse's thumb buttons) or when rapidly used in combination (for example micro and macroing in RTS)
I guess some people would consider this cheating... well I'm not good enough at any RTS to play competitively anyway and don't have the necessary time/motivation to do it, so who cares :p

Also alt+anything but q or 1 is really awkward no matter which fingers you use (which is why I've remapped alt to caps lock key using another program).

I'm surprised I never thought about having the modifier keys below the space bar before.

Your thumb is barely used in regular hotkeys, aside from pressing the space bar and performing certain modifier+key actions. But every one of them thumb-modifier actions involve moving or twisting your hand out of place and the space bar is never used with a modifier key (well, at least I don't have any modifier+space keys, and if I did I'll just change them to something else with the 7 modifier keys :p)

Which takes me to the next point... 7 modifier keys means I won't ever need to hotkey anything past the 4-r-f-v line, which means I can always leave my hand around the WASD position at all times (applies to working with 3d, photoshop and games). In 3D max I have every key on the keyboard bound to something (Anything past the 4-r-f-v line are things I rarely use or only have a 1 time usage, but still bound to something nonetheless).

The extra macro keys on the left will also come in handy I guess but thats just the cherry on the cake. Oh and the fact that I'll get 3 more decently-positioned hotkeys for where ctrl/shift/alt used to be is another bonus!

Now I just hope it feels comfortable to reach all 7 of those modifier keys with my thumb, here's hoping! :p

The keyboard ain't coming out till next month, I'll buy it asap to try and then update this thread with my findings after I've gotten used to it.

Also, I don't care about the price, I buy the best things I can find when it comes to making my life using my PC more efficient/comfortable! Especially considering the hours I spend on my PC.


  • binopittan
    Roccat Arvo also have thumb keys. so nothing really new there.
    I don't really understand the needs for having extra button on my keyboard, IMO once someone get used to ctrl+c & ctlr+v regular basis, it's hard to go the other way, probably keep those extra buttons remain untouched.
    Also alt+anything but q or 1 is really awkward no matter which fingers you use (which is why I've remapped alt to caps lock key using another program).

    I can't imagine why would anyone swap capslock to alt position :P, that means now ctrl alt tab is in the same row, how can i press ctrl + alt + anything -or- alt +tab that way ? but in the end it's just matter of preference i guess..

    Also, if i'm going to spend a hundred bucks on a keyboard, it's gotta be a Filco :)

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    I've had a miserable experience with my Razer keyboard and mouse. Don't think I'll be picking up another.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    PatrickL wrote: »
    I've had a miserable experience with my Razer keyboard and mouse. Don't think I'll be picking up another.

    Same, and more then once for myself... I like to stick to logitech, and steelseries.

    Althought i do have a razer megalodon headset, its pretty amazing although i havent used it enough...
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    what a bad taste guys...
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    @binopittan; cool that roccat thingy looks like its worth trying, never heard of it before (the brand or the keyboard). But... doesnt have 7 modifier keys :p

    alt tab is easy with the caps lock as tab... ring finger for caps lock, middle finger for tab. Still gotta move 2 fingers either way (usually you move thumb from space to alt, and finger from whatever key to tab). I think it feels better if the thumb remains at space bar position.

    ctrl+alt+tab has always been an awkward combo regardless of where alt is. What is ctrl alt tab for anyway? :s I don't use that for app switching, just keep pressing tab while holding alt to choose app.

    And you're not meant to press ctrl+alt+anything at the same time, except delete. Holding 2 modifier keys at the same time is a very stupid idea in my opinion. Actually even ctrl+alt+del isn't very smart, but it's 'difficulty' of accidently pressing the 3 keys is good for being noob-proof.
    And yes I do realize many shortcuts in photoshop involve using 2 modifiers. And yes they all do suck, which is why I've customized them :p

    If you really need those extra modifier combos that 2 modifiers held at the same time give, the 7 modifiers that the anansi has will be able to help you on that.

    Getting used to doing something bad is a bad thing. I'm very eager to change my bad habits if I see or feel why they are bad.

    @ joshua; For typing, maybe, but primarily for hotkey usage I don't feel much difference between "ergonomic" keyboards or normal ones. And any benefit that curve does give has surely gotta be negated by the awkward ctrl/alt/shift combos... But I might agree that an ergonomic keyboard with extra thumb keys is win.

    I'm not a big fan of razer products myself... but I don't see anyone else making thumb modifier keys (until I found out about roccat just now :)) I'd go for logitech too if they made one.

    @ Blaizer; I don't know who or what your post is directed at, but please enlighten me, show me what you think is good.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Lets just say I was at a big event where Razor supplied equipment working behind the scenes. During the weekend I would say we lost at least 6% of the products because they broke. Normally its 2-4%
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Razor! I once this Razor mouse, and then, the mousewheel broke and got lodged into the mouse itself. Man, I shouldn't have mapped my push to talk button to the mousewheel! No mouse can handle tha- Oh wait all of my goddamn Logitech MX mice.

    Never got the need for quicklaunch buttons :X never used mine, then I got a Saitek Eclipse 2, and loved that it had glow, so I could see things at night...

    Hmm.. more on topic, anyone have any REALLY good keyboards they'd like to recommend?
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Keyboard Geeks..
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    I love my Filco keyboard, nothing beats the tactile feedback of a good mechanical keyboard.
  • EarthQuake
    Save your wrists guys, you can pick these up on ebay for $10-20
    MS Natural ergo 4000
  • Rens
    Yeah... Logitech wave, 30 bucks, fine piece.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Them videogamin' nerds and their fancy keyboards....

    Seriously though, the idea of having some buttons in an easier to reach place would mean moving my hand less when working, which would be nice. Doubt I would buy one though.

    Not really a fan of razors products...they look too ugly, and cost too much.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    I use a $5 gateway keyboard, looks awesome, has a little calculator button I can probably mod into any other program, and it's $5.

    It even sounds like a keyboard!

    If only it could satisfy my sexual needs.. hmmmmmmg

    Edit: Weirdly... it does in a way.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    i got a broken enermax aurora from the junkyard and repaired it

    3 pounds of pure awesomeness
  • Ben Apuna
    More modifier keys in easy to reach spots sounds like a great idea.

    For those on a tight budget I think remapping your keys with AutoHotkey could be acceptable alternative. See here for more ideas on what to do with it.

    It seems like it would be pretty trivial to remap Ctrl+C,V, and Z (or anything) to left shift+C,V, and Z or Spacebar+C,V, and Z which would make them much easier to press.

    I'm also tired of pressing Ctrl+anything so I think I'll give AutoHotkey it a try tomorrow. I bet the changes to various viewport navigation schemes using Ctrl is going to take some getting used to...
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    Rens wrote: »
    Yeah... Logitech wave, 30 bucks, fine piece.
    I had this keyboard and the left ALT broke which makes modeling impossible. I actually had the wireless keyboard and mouse combo and it's by far the worst thing I ever bought. The wireless mouse left click would break and constantly hold its click. I went through two mice and finally the third has gone longer than 6 months without the left click breaking.

    I wouldn't recommend the Wave to anyone not even if it were free.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I have this fancy Dynex keyboard that was probably like 20 bucks
    it even has next and pause buttons for media players.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Save your wrists guys, you can pick these up on ebay for $10-20
    MS Natural ergo 4000

    I got me one of these at work, killed the first one in a week by pouring black coffee in it.

    The only thing it lacks is a second windows key, so you can't do single keystroke workstation lock lol, so not good at work if you have got colleague who'll grief you.:D

    One thing I'd love to see is a keyboard with single stroke Copy/Past etc, that's the reason I got RSI in the first place, hence work sending in a workstation ergonomics dude to assess me and get the new keyboard/mouse.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18

    (it's not a keyboard even!)
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Save your wrists guys, you can pick these up on ebay for $10-20
    MS Natural ergo 4000

    I've had this keyboard for about 2 years now. I wouldn't want to use anything else. Seriously, it is wonderful.
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah I spilled a can of coke dirctly into my first one, then managed to find a "used" one that looked perfect on ebay from best-buy outlet store for like $12. Really amazing value, considering I paid about $70 for it new lol. Also managed to pick up 2 more of these at a garage sale for $10 each, my wife uses one and got one for the extra computer at her dad's house that we both use.

    Dont ever want anything else, I should probably stock pile a few in case they get scarce.

    Along with Logitech MX518, which i feel is just about the most comfortable mouse ever made, they really help reduce wrist pain.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Save your wrists guys, you can pick these up on ebay for $10-20
    MS Natural ergo 4000

    Are the keys that nice mechanical clickly kind or the shitty puffy padded kind. Dont really know what its called but its the softer key press I guess. Hate that.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    i dont get you guys

    S/N: 2514160
    Date: 13NOV87


    for the uninformed: i'm not joking.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    ah, I remember it fondly, the keys sounded like this: "CLICK-KLACK" and imagine it with the most kind of metallic spring action possible.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    I'm with racer and binopittan. You can take a crap on a mechanical keyboard after soaking it in coffee and it will still work. Sure you might want to rinse it off and put it through a dishwasher first, but it'll still work. :D
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    The problem with being completely satisfied with 1 thing is that you never get to try the new things and find out whats good/bad about them.

    Which is very unfortunate considering the rate technology advances. Oh well, I'm just glad I'm not like that :p

    I'm not saying that newer is always better, I'm just simply excited to try new things and see for myself.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I had the Logitech G19.. Before that I had the original G15. I was easily sold on the flashy gimmicks.
    The backlit keys were nice, but I never used any of the functions keys or the LCD screens.

    So I "Downgraded" to just a basic sensible keyboard. I chose the apple keyboard/They keys are soft, and very responsive. Very good usable keyboard.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    Heh, I agree yozora. I do try new keyboards and mice out. I'm a tech geek like a lot of us here. I'll try any keyboard, I even considered trying a razor with my next tower build. The thing is no matter how many keyboards I try and fancy bells and whistles they have. They always end up breaking in some form or fashion. At the end of it all the keyboard I've had for 15 years still works.
    After countless orange soda, root beer, Cheeto, etc from teenage gaming days, physical abuse (had friends that thought if you punch a keyboard the computer will understand your anger and thus respond by behaving) it still works like the day I got it with my original pc.

    Thats what I was saying with my short post.

    Edit: Hah, thats an awesome mouse eld. My previous bit about my mouse was way off point :poly141: it was more about brand than mechanics.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    This your mouse?

  • Smack
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    Smack polycounter lvl 18
    hotlinked for it's awesomeness. best keyboard ever, and only cost $12.

    Benq A800.

  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    racer's hardcore
  • maze
    agree with racer thats enough.
  • Ahrkey
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    Ahrkey polycounter lvl 18
    German engineering ja?
    Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate Silent is blank, with no inscriptions on the keys. It features high-end, mechanical key switches that click less than its cousin, the Model S Ultimate. This quieter model is ideal for people working in an open environment or for workers who need to type while talking on the phone. The Model S Silent keeps its outstanding tactile feel. The other features are identical to the Model S Ultimate, including a two-port USB 2.0 hub and newly redesigned electronics that provide full n-key rollover.

    allthough I can only recommend the MS keyb/mouse. Good quality nice on the wrists(Do not slam the mouse into the desk, the mousewheel axle will break). Allthough I never use the extra added buttons except for the calculator and volume.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I want a letterless keyboard.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    IBM keyboards are just awesome, although since I do quite some coding and art I moved to a tiny apple USB keyboard which takes up less space and is easier to swap around with the wacom.

    btw, what's the point of not having inscriptions on the keys? It seems rather like an un-feature to me unless you need to type texts in suaheli, mongolian, english and russian all the time...
  • Yuriy
    I dont know about Anansi but , for the first look , its modified Tarantula . They removed extra media buttons from sides and put them under spacebar , reduced programmed buttons from 10 to 5 . If im right , you will be unable to program those media keys . If Anansi drivers is a copy of Tarantula , then you only will have an option to choose what media player will be driven by those keys .
    I have Tarantula keyboard and Coperhead mouse. Mouse is just great . Have one at home and one at work . 1.5 year and no glitches or broken parts . Same for keyboard . Its bulletproof and very comfortable .
    MS keyboard is great too but fragile . One cup of coffee will broke it.
  • lampekap
    Kwramm wrote: »
    btw, what's the point of not having inscriptions on the keys? It seems rather like an un-feature to me unless you need to type texts in suaheli, mongolian, english and russian all the time...

    unless you want to show off your geekyness. after all, if you can blind type, those inscriptions are useless anyway.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Um. Those "letterless keyboards" you all talk about.... they do have letters. They are just LED's that glow when they are turned on. My Razer Lycosa is like that. I actually like my Razer products. They've been working remarkably well for me.

    Although, I'm probably going to get that super slim apple keyboard. I had that one for a while and it was the best keyboard I've ever used!
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Gonna drop some more Filco love here - I got my Majestouch 104 tactile recently, blows every other keyboard I've owned out of the water. It cost a bomb but totally worth it.
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    Racer445 wrote: »
    i dont get you guys

    S/N: 2514160
    Date: 13NOV87


    for the uninformed: i'm not joking.

    this is pretty much what I have. Keeping shit classic.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Still waiting for M$ to release the multitouch/pressure sensitive keyboard. Thats going to be a game changer.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    If you really want ergo: http://www.maltron.com/

    Laser keyboard is the way to go, you can put that bad boy on your kitty and it'll be purring all day.

    currrrrrrr purrrrrrr
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Save your wrists guys, you can pick these up on ebay for $10-20
    MS Natural ergo 4000
    Love this keyboard. Got one at work and the wireless version at home. Although as folk've mentioned it's not the most resilient to damage.

    I'd love a silent mechanical switch version.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Ergonomic ftw. I had a crummy mouse for years, got cramps and feared my career was over. New Logitch mouse saved me.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Habboi wrote: »
    Ergonomic ftw. I had a crummy mouse for years, got cramps and feared my career was over. New Logitch mouse saved me.

    You should specify which one, especially since most of Logitech's mice aren't particularly ergonomic.
    I have the perfomance MX and I am very happy with it.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Yes that's the one I have too. And believe me, if you saw the shape of the mouse I had before you'd know the pain. I had to use it again recently while fixing the PC and it just felt horrible to put my hand over.
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