2D and 3D guru's. Not sure if this is exactly the right place on Polycount, but I would like to show my horror game project; Tower 22, hopefully to find some help from creative talent here. I've seen the Beat 'm up! entries (ow good old memories), so I know this is the right website to look.
Seeing is believing, so let's first show what this is all about:
Youtube video: [ame]
For more screenshots & info:
Mind your ears though! The sound is noisy due quality loss while recording. Please keep in mind that what you see here is programmer art + some borowed textures from Halflife 2. Obviously, I would like to see a second movie but then with the touch of a real artist!
Project name: Tower 22 (codename)
Genre: Games, horror
Gametype: Exploring, puzzling, heavily based on its story, and getting chased by bizarre creatures
Type of work / payment: So far this is a hobby project. So I'm sorry, but I can't guarantee you mountains of gold or a star status
Then what can I offer?:
Small demo projects (realistic to finish in a relative short time) you can put on your portfolio to start with, and hopefully a great time. And on the longer term... who knows.
Additionally, I'm working in the programming business for quite a long time, so you can expect a professional attitude from me. Not totally unimportant, in case you are afraid this is just another hobby project that gets itself killed within a few months.
Brief description:
Since the story is spoiler sensitive, I can't tell too much, but in a nutshell:
You are the caretaker of a gigantic Soviet era skyscraper. Mopping floors, fixing things or cleaning up. Simple boring tasks. But soon you start to notice something isn't right here. After all those days, weeks, you still haven't seen a single soul. Yet, you see, smell or even hear traces of life. New litter every day, painting that got replaced, voices... While not working, you'll start exploring the building. To find out this isn't an ordinary flat... Is it your imagination, the claustrophobia and the loneliness? Or are there actually creatures wandering in the corridors? The deeper you dig, the more bizarre it gets.
The main differences with existing horror games is:
- Very much story driven (although you have to find out the whole story yourself)
- No failed experiment / labs for a change
- You won't be blasting 300 angry demons per second. It is a slow paced game, and you are the one who is getting hunted / haunted.
Current team:
Officialy there is none yet, since my search for members has just begun. I've been working for quite some years on this project now, before I would even dare to ask your help. Just to do my homework first: creating an engine + editor that actually works, and a small movie to prove it, hopefully. I know an artist wants feedback on its work, so I know the importance of a working platform.
Currently several people have offered their help, including a story writer with 15 years of experience and a sound composer. I'm aiming to form a small team, to keep it manageable and personal.
Finishing an ambitious commercial game isn't realistic for the time being. Instead I would like to create more demo movies for a start. Because:
- It satisfies to have relative quick, concrete results
- It is a good warm-up phase for everyone who joins
- Gives a chance to work out specific game mechanics first. Not all of them are based on proven concepts!
- Gives me more time to extend the engine & tools further
- Whether you stay or not, you have something to add on your portfolio
And once we have sharpened our skills and trust, we can start on the real thing.
Last but not least, what are we looking for:
Mapper ----
* Able to make detailed, mainly indoor maps.
* Maps vary from normal dusty flat apartments/corridors to bizarre horror environments. Your fantasy is the limit.
* Knows how to use light setups, placing objects, decals, particles, etcetera.
* Able to make a bigger lay-out of maps, corridors, secrets or eye catchers that are suitable for a game that needs climaxes, puzzles, and a maze like structure.
* In case you used to draw Zelda dungeon lay-outs on school, that skill may finally become useful!
3D modeler ----
* From furniture to monsters. Those maps need to be filled with... stuff!
* Knows how to make something detailed (with a photo as a reference for example)
* Knows how to make an UV map, unwrapping, etcetera.
* Familiar with normalMapping and such (don't have to know shaders though)
* In case you'd like to create monsters / organic shapes; Familiar with high-poly modeling (ZBrush, Sculptris, ...)
* Animating not required, but if you can...
Concept artist ----
* In case of monster concepts; Understands human anatomy (really, if you want to design a good monster).
* In case of environment concepts; familiar with detailed architecture
* Has experience with horror themes, books, games and/or movies.
* Can think (way) out of the box
* I'm not a fan of cartoonish / Hentai stuff. Or at least, it does not fit with the project art I have in mind.
Texture artist ----
* Knows either Photoshop, Paintshop or another professional painting program.
* Drawing style is meant to be realistic.
* Therefore a few photography skills (to ensemble texture materials) are a plus.
* Knows how to make useable game-textures (seamless, sizing)
* Familiar with modern shader techniques such as normal- or specular Maps.
And for all functions: Familiar or willing to study the specific game style: Soviet/Brutalism architecture, decorations furniture, 70ies / 80ies technology / mode. And on the other hand, horror of course. Dreamy/nightmarish environments is what makes the game. Basically, your fantasy has to be sick and twisted. Just a little bit

I'm looking for skilled 2D/3D artists. With skilled I don't mean you have to be perfect. Everyone including me needs to learn. But just to prevent everyone joining, I'd like to maintain a certain level. I'd rather have 1 talented artist than 10 mediocre artist. Sorry if that sounds arrogant for someone who can't even pay, but I've been working too long on this project to throw it all away. Hope you understand!
Time commitment:
I won't be asking all your spare time. Really, I'd be already happy to find a boy or girl who meets all those nasty requirements from above! If you can work somewhat consistently and retain a not too-far-stretched planning, it will be fine. Then again, if you are extremely busy (school, work, kids, girls, gaming), it probably won't work out though.
contact: nieuwlaat DOT r
@T gmail DOT com
Kind regards,

If you have not already, I'd recommend checking out Amenesia: The Dark Descent, the Penumbra games or even Cryostasis.
Depending on how my job situation evolves over the next couple weeks, I may get in touch again and be able to provide you with some art services. (Characters, UI, textures and props)
Best of luck, this actually looks very promising. I'm impressed!
PS: You were correct, that sound was horrendous.
Apologees! After reading the forum rules better, I noticed this post should belong on the Requests section, since this is not a paid offer!
Thank you kindly! I've seen the Penumbra series. Not played them though, with 2 jobs, kids and this hobby I don't have time to play with myself! The last horror game I played must have been Silent Hill homecoming.
Not sure how the status will be over a few weeks, but you can always drop a mail of course.
Ow, I should also have mentioned the contact details in that first post. Messy, messy.
nieuwlaat DOT r @T gmail DOT com
Keep the good work up! Its really impressive stuff!
By now the positions on this project are filled. So consider this request as "done". You are still welcome to contact me, but chances are small I can offer a role at the moment. Trying to keep the team small to start with
Thank you all!
And 3d was buggy as hell. Me and friend of mine are trying to do something like this, but it would be survival/horror. Trying to make game about our town. How long did it take for you to write this engine?