Myself and others have compiled a list of all the owners of the pin, which can be found here:
I had to do a lot of detective work to get all of you on, lots of cross referencing and contacting a few of you. As you can see we still have a few unknowns and no doubt we probably have some incorrect/missing information. If you can help out filling in the gaps then please PM me or sign up for a official TF2 wiki account and help out

It would also be helpful if someone from the Steam group could send out an annoucement.
Yes that is indeed what I used. The problem is quite a few of those people had different Steam profile names from their Polycount forum name. In those cases I had to match their profile picture or look for clues to link them (by far the lengthiest process).
Also another problem is that list is not complete. It only lists people who view their backpack through the site. There are a few of you who do not appear on that list. We've found some but need to doublecheck our information.
Thanks for that. One more unknown gone.