What a bizarre combination. First they decide to make a movie that combines cowboys and ninjas, now cowboys and alien marauders?
Looks like it might end up being a bit campy, but I'm still on board for it. I like Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, they both have very leathery, weathered faces. I think they would both make for fine cowboy characters. I'm especially interested in seeing Harrison Ford play a character who 1. Isn't the primary protagonist, 2. Isn't necessarily the "good guy." The trailer was definitely a big step up from Skyline's awful second trailer.
Too bad they didn't greenlight Bebop. Would have fit in perfectly with this round up.
heard something new?
On July 22, 2008, IF Magazine published an article on its website regarding a rumor of a live-action Cowboy Bebop movie in development by 20th Century Fox. Producer Erwin Stoff said that the film's development was in the early stages, and that they had "just signed it".[20][21]Keanu Reeves has been confirmed as playing the role of Spike Spiegel.[22][23]Variety confirmed on January 15, 2009, that the production company Sunrise Animation will be "closely involved with the development of the English language project." The site also confirmed Kenji Uchida, Shinichiro Watanabe, and series writer Keiko Nobumoto as associate producers, series producer Masahiko Minami as a production consultant, and Peter Craig as screenwriter.[24] It was originally slated for release in 2011, but problems with the budget have delayed its production. The script that was submitted was sent back for rewrite to reduce the cost and little has been heard about it until an interview with producer Joshua Long on October 15, 2010.[25]
I hate how trailers come out so far in advance. They get you all excited about a film, then dump the 6 month + wait on you at the end. Only for some films it's far longer.
if you follow the actual interview he doesn't say it's dead just not sure where it's at..
Collider: You were attached to Cowboy Bebop for a little while. Any update on that? Reeves: I haven’t heard anything back. They turned in the script and it was very expensive. I don’t know if they’re going to…it would cost, like, half a billion dollars to make that script. So, I don’t know where it’s at right now.
look awesome.
XD which is good thing
Yes please, more of this.
must have been like, ok guys whats awesome? Cowboys and Aliens are awesome? YES! perfect, make it a movie.
pirates > ninjas > cowboys
so why would you make a movie with cowboys ?
Jon Favreau is directing this (did a great job with Iron Man)
When are we getting Sandman?!?!?!?!
Looks like it might end up being a bit campy, but I'm still on board for it. I like Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, they both have very leathery, weathered faces. I think they would both make for fine cowboy characters. I'm especially interested in seeing Harrison Ford play a character who 1. Isn't the primary protagonist, 2. Isn't necessarily the "good guy." The trailer was definitely a big step up from Skyline's awful second trailer.
The Warrior's Way
all beat em up anime style live action coming up in cinema hahahaha
heard something new?
On July 22, 2008, IF Magazine published an article on its website regarding a rumor of a live-action Cowboy Bebop movie in development by 20th Century Fox. Producer Erwin Stoff said that the film's development was in the early stages, and that they had "just signed it".[20][21] Keanu Reeves has been confirmed as playing the role of Spike Spiegel.[22][23] Variety confirmed on January 15, 2009, that the production company Sunrise Animation will be "closely involved with the development of the English language project." The site also confirmed Kenji Uchida, Shinichiro Watanabe, and series writer Keiko Nobumoto as associate producers, series producer Masahiko Minami as a production consultant, and Peter Craig as screenwriter.[24] It was originally slated for release in 2011, but problems with the budget have delayed its production. The script that was submitted was sent back for rewrite to reduce the cost and little has been heard about it until an interview with producer Joshua Long on October 15, 2010.[25]
It's just mean
Collider: You were attached to Cowboy Bebop for a little while. Any update on that?
Reeves: I haven’t heard anything back. They turned in the script and it was very expensive. I don’t know if they’re going to…it would cost, like, half a billion dollars to make that script. So, I don’t know where it’s at right now.